If Windows 10 Mobile goes open-source that's gonna be the success of Windows Phones?


New member
Dec 11, 2014
Android is open source and every company (Samsung, HTC, Sony, etc) has own unique UI and tweaks, so if W10M gonna be open-source more company's jump into Windows Phone's world?? (Sorry for my bad English.)
No, if it became open-source, then it is not Microsoft anymore. It will just be an android crapy
Not going to happen. And I suspect that it would actually be really bad because of fragmentation.
Hell no, if it will happen I will permanently switch to ios.
It will just laggy as android, resources and ram hungry. When each oem put different ui.
That's why touchwiz ui of my gs4 sucks.
It will not going to happen.
ios is closed source still its very popular.why don't you consider that.
Ignoring for a moment that what westerners refer to as Android is in fact NOT open source, the answer is still "no".

A gazillion companies build Windows computers, and that's not open source either.

OEMs appreciate the ability to reskin Android's UI, but ultimately, they will build whatever they can sell in large quantities. The only thing that matters is profit potential, for which sales volume is an important contributing factor. The OS being free is also important. The OS being open sourced is not important.

MS could open source WP tomorrow, but at this point that wouldn't sway OEMs to change anything.
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It would help. About 30% of the Android phones are shipped with open source Android. It also creates an exit strategy for OEMs in case the developer of the OS change the conditions.
I don't think going open source would be good for windows as a product, but there is no denying it would draw far more developers than in its current form.
I don't think going open source would be good for windows as a product, but there is no denying it would draw far more developers than in its current form.
I'd definitely deny that.

The only entities who care about whether a mobile OS is open sourced are OEMs and carriers. Nobody else. As long as an OS isn't in the mainstream, neither will care either way. If it is a mainstream OS we're talking about, OEMs and carriers will see open source as a nice bonus, but it being otherwise certainly wont deter OEMs from building devices nor carriers from distributing them.

Both Window and Android (neither of which are fully open source) prove that.
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I don't think going open source would be good for windows as a product, but there is no denying it would draw far more developers than in its current form.

As far as it drawing far more developers as open source, no. Open source isn't what draws developers. Potential Customers and how much money can they make on that platform vs. the cost of developing on that platform is what drives that.

Case in point, iPhone. Not open source. Good source of income vs cost of development. Big draw for developers.

Open Source would do nothing but make the Windows OS less secure and give even more ammunition to anti-Microsoft bloggers.

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