Surface Pro 3 / Windows 10 10240: Networking issue with SP3 Docking Station Ethernet


New member
Jul 19, 2015
Hey guys,

after installing several times Windows 10 over and over again (refresh option in recovery), I need to get some help from you. Perhaps someone of you can confirm this problem or knows even an answer...

My setup:
- Surface Pro 3
- Surface Pro 3 Docking Station (Ethernet connected)
- Windows 10 Build 10240 (but can be reproduced on 10162 ISO as well...)
- Several network shares

The problem:
As soon as I copy a bigger file to my network shares (it does not matter if it is a QNAP NAS or a network share on a Windows 7 machine), the file transfer stops at some point (sometimes 40 MB, sometimes 200 MB) and all network connections are lost (no internet, no local network). The already started file transfer can't be stopped anymore as the explorer status window showing the transfer graph is responsible to interaction but doesn't perform any action. ipconfig /all fails and there are no event logs which I could further inspect...

Anybody of you encountered the same even directly after refreshing the installation?

I've installed the German version of Windows 10 but I guess this should make no difference in networking.

I've tried everything:
- With / without activated pin login
- With / without installed updates and firmware update
- With / without firewall activated
- With / without password protection

Event logs are empty.

Looking forward if someone with SP3 and dock could investigate into this as well...


[Edit 07/19/2015]
I've reinstalled Windows 10 again. This time by setting up a local account. Same problem appears when trying to save some files on the network share.

Some more test results:
Local user - Password protected NFS - WiFi Connection - Saving File from Surface: WORKS!
Local user - Password protected NFS - WiFi Connection - Copy File to Surface: WORKS!
Local user - Password protected NFS - Ethernet Connection (Docking Station) - Saving File from Surface: Issue as described
Local user - Password protected NFS - Ethernet Connection (Docking Station) - Copy File to Surface: WORKS!
Last edited:
I get lot of troubles with 10240 regarding network.
The same then you with Ethernet, plus a lot of issues to re-establish network connections (wifi / ethernet) when coming back from Sleep mode :( :(

Very desapointed... when I was fan of nearly all builds of W10 before !
Are you sure your docking station is not faulty? I had a brand new docking station that was no good, and the issues I saw were quite random, regardless to OS version.
I am using 240 on my SP3 with dock no and the only network issues I (still) have are wireless related - Windows does not save my connected settings
I am seeing the same thing on my SP3 dock as well. I also have an issue coping files to network locations, any upload disconnects the network and I have to reboot in order to get back on the network. I have tried uninstalling, trouble shooting, and nothing works.
Same issue here with latest updates. Trying to transfer big file to my network drive and it'll crash the Ethernet connection and switch to wifi, disconnecting from the drive and reconnecting brings it back for me but still can't transfer files to my network drive without switching to wifi
Same issue here after updating to Windows 10 through the "official" process.

This is a big problem for me since I use our company NAS to send file to clients.
Same problem with build 10240 and many earlier build. I have the last firmware update of 23 July 2015.

I have the problem with copy from and to the Surface Pro 3 on docking. Works fine with USB Surface Ethernet Adapter.
I just got off the phone with Microsoft Surface Pro 3 Support and they are telling me that there is a know bug with the Surface Pro 3 and Windows 10 with the Microsoft Docking Station's Ethernet port rendered useless after upgrading to Windows 10. They also said the same is true for the build in Wireless adapter. I experienced the same issue and they said at this time there is no patch to fix this issue. You would think that of all PC's that Windows 10 would be tested with that it would be the Surface Pro 3!:cry:
When I experienced this I tried reverting back to 8.1. This failed and I had to reset my Surface Pro 3. But AFTER the reset the bug is still there! I start a copy to the network and it freezes. It's as if the Windows 10 upgrade procedure messed up either the docking station or some hardware driver on my Surface. This is bad, really really bad. :unhappy:
Hi *,

I had the same issues.
Fixed that sucker.

Download the latest Surface Pro 3 dockingstation ( usb\vid_045e&pid_07c6&rev_3000 )
Ethernet driver with INTERNET EXPLORER from:
or go to and search for "Microsoft - LAN - Surface Ethernet Adapter".
Make sure that you use the driver for your platform (32bit or 64bit). The driver is downloaded to a DIRECTORY.
I used version 8.18.303.2015 for 64bit.

Remove your Surface Pro 3 from your docking station.
Open the Device manager (right click on the start button and select Device manager).
Go to View. Select "Show hidden devices". Select "Network adapters". Select "Surface Ethernet Adapter". Select uninstall. Reboot. Leave your Surface Pro 3 outside the docking station.
Locate your downloaded driver DIRECTORY. Open a command prompt (windows key+R. Type cmd and hit enter) and go to this directory (cd path-to-the-driver-directory).
Execute the following command:
expand -F:* x
cd x
pnputil -i -a msu30x64w8.inf
Shutdown your Surface Pro 3.
Dock it in your station. Turn it on. Done.

When I experienced this I tried reverting back to 8.1. This failed and I had to reset my Surface Pro 3. But AFTER the reset the bug is still there! I start a copy to the network and it freezes. It's as if the Windows 10 upgrade procedure messed up either the docking station or some hardware driver on my Surface. This is bad, really really bad. :unhappy:

See my fix in this thread for Windows 10 (works also for Windows 8.1).
If you continue to have problems make sure to reboot your NAS (the TCP/IP stack of your NAS may be corrupted due to incorrect driver behaviour).
Hi *,

I had the same issues.
Fixed that sucker.

Download the latest Surface Pro 3 dockingstation ( usb\vid_045e&pid_07c6&rev_3000 )
Ethernet driver with INTERNET EXPLORER from:
or go to and search for "Microsoft - LAN - Surface Ethernet Adapter".
Make sure that you use the driver for your platform (32bit or 64bit). The driver is downloaded to a DIRECTORY.
I used version 8.18.303.2015 for 64bit.

Remove your Surface Pro 3 from your docking station.
Open the Device manager (right click on the start button and select Device manager).
Go to View. Select "Show hidden devices". Select "Network adapters". Select "Surface Ethernet Adapter". Select uninstall. Reboot. Leave your Surface Pro 3 outside the docking station.
Locate your downloaded driver DIRECTORY. Open a command prompt (windows key+R. Type cmd and hit enter) and go to this directory (cd path-to-the-driver-directory).
Execute the following command:
expand -F:* x
cd x
pnputil -i -a msu30x64w8.inf
Shutdown your Surface Pro 3.
Dock it in your station. Turn it on. Done.


Yesss, this works!
Uebernerd, you're the best !!!!
Hi *,

I had the same issues.
Fixed that sucker.

Download the latest Surface Pro 3 dockingstation ( usb\vid_045e&pid_07c6&rev_3000 )
Ethernet driver with INTERNET EXPLORER from:
or go to and search for "Microsoft - LAN - Surface Ethernet Adapter".
Make sure that you use the driver for your platform (32bit or 64bit). The driver is downloaded to a DIRECTORY.
I used version 8.18.303.2015 for 64bit.

Remove your Surface Pro 3 from your docking station.
Open the Device manager (right click on the start button and select Device manager).
Go to View. Select "Show hidden devices". Select "Network adapters". Select "Surface Ethernet Adapter". Select uninstall. Reboot. Leave your Surface Pro 3 outside the docking station.
Locate your downloaded driver DIRECTORY. Open a command prompt (windows key+R. Type cmd and hit enter) and go to this directory (cd path-to-the-driver-directory).
Execute the following command:
expand -F:* x
cd x
pnputil -i -a msu30x64w8.inf
Shutdown your Surface Pro 3.
Dock it in your station. Turn it on. Done.


This worked for me as well. As a note, it was not necessary to reboot. The default driver installed by Win 10 was 8.14, the driver at the above linked site was 8.18. I simply downloaded the driver, updated via device manager, problem fixed. No reboot necessary.
Thanks Uebernerd and OnTheMF, I've download the latest driver and updated it directly from my Device Manager and everything looks to be working fine now.
OMG Uebernerd!!!! I want to cry I'm so happy. This has been a problem for me for nine months, throughout the Win10 preview. You are a tech saint!!!
Hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions and millions and the solution is printed in text from Uebernerd, not Microsoft's Windows Update...

How do we vote Uebernerd a Surface Pro 4 (cause we're gonna need the support)
This worked for me when I unplugged the Surface Pro 3 docking station from the power supply. That was the missing step.

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