Photos blurry in the new Photos App for Windows 10?


New member
Jun 16, 2015
I just noticed something odd tonight when browsing through my photos in Windows 10 10240. Almost all the pictures from my camera roll are blurry / low res when viewing in the new photos app. I compared them side by side on my other PC right next to it running 8.1 pro and it is night and day. The same pictures appear crisp and clean in the traditional windows photo viewer. I know that i have two different monitors with different resolutions but i never noticed a problem before when i had 8.1 on the pc that now has windows 10.

I think this is a real problem with the app in windows 10 because a) when i zoom into those photos that are blurry they become clear when zoomed in enough and b) it is very noticeable, something that i never picked up before when i was on 8.1. Does anyone else have this problem or noticed this? Now when i view wallpapers or downloaded images from the internet they seem to be clear so it doesnt really make much sense why it is just my camera roll pictures from my Lumia 929.
Yes the same happening to my windows 10 too.
Photos opened in new Photos App makes all pictures blurry. The same photo is fine when opened in Windows Photo Viewer. Check the screenshot. Win 10 build 10240.Capture.jpg
So, if this is confirmed...then wth??? How could they let this slide/not notice this and release Win10 to OEMs without a fix first? This seems like an obvious problem. I hope a fix gets issued soon from WU.
YES I'm having blurry issues on my surface pro 3. When I view the photos in the photos app it's actually crystal clear, but when viewed in photo viewer everything is blurry. I sell online and I'm trying to edit this weeks photos grrrrrrrrr
I did not notice blurring. But after reading your post and then check it again, I agree that the thumbnails are a little bit blurred, but not so significant.

Perhaps this is for performance consideration? The new Photos app loads really fast. On first time launching it quickly shows all the thumbnails. This is even faster than many photo-viewing softwares I have ever tried (e.g. Picasa).
I doubt Surface3 has performance issues. In my case the app loads rather fast (considering how sluggish all modern apps load comparing to "normal" programs).
In my case it reluctantly loads thumbnails and once I open the image, it is just stretched small image. Sometimes it loads the full image from OneDrive Camera roll, but sometimes it doesn't. Also mostly it shows couple days old photos as the newest, even I have many new files in CameraRoll. And than without any logic after some time they appear.

It is not a connection to the internet issue, I sit on gigabit fiber.

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