I decided to prep my Win 8.1 Surface Pro for the update

Scott Bradley

New member
May 1, 2014
My 1st gen Surface pro running 8.1 had been dragging a little bit and running low on space, so I decided to do a Software refresh in preparation for the Windows 10 upgrade. The refresh gives you a fresh install of Windows but keeps your personal files and settings.

This is most likely redundant to the upgrade itself, but my wife had so much garbage on the system, I wanted to ensure it had the cleanest upgrade possible. Windows 10 also requires enough space for the upgrade, and even with the 128 GB model, my wife is always bumping up against the ceiling.

Anyone else preparing your systems for upgrade?
I have a 64 GB model and it is full right now.
There seems to be like 20+ GB used in the Windows folder which is weird.

I too am tempted to do a refresh as well. I have less than 1 GB of space right now and the only large app I have installed is Premiere Pro. :-/
I am already running win10 on surface pro 1. No problems here :) it will last me until I get myself a pro 4.

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