What Are You Doing To Prep For Windows 10?


New member
Nov 12, 2012
Are you ready? It's almost here. What have you done to get prepared?


Anything I've overlooked?

What are your tricks and tips?
Ummm... Nothing much. I'll make sure that my iTunes library is synced to my network drive and that's about it. I've rebuilt my system enough times to learn that the best way of using applications is to install them when I want to use them (otherwise I'd just waste a few hours installing software that I'll not use until I trash the system next).

Most of my data is on OneDrive, so I don't need to worry about that.
Not doing anything here.
The wife won't update and I'm too lazy.

Well I guess I'll let my tablet update so I won't be completely left behind by the technology time machine.

Good luck everybody!
Hmm you must be extermly excited.

I save my files in different partition by default so nothing to do here.

So I think I'm saying more DotA 2 Game
Hmm you must be extermly excited

Excited, yes. And cautious. I am going to have a comprehensive exit strategy ready. Not in case I don't like 10, but in case some disaster occurs.

I need my files and I need a working computer. My original backup plan failed. I had purchased and was holding a BNIB laptop just for 10. Guess what? My old laptop had a failure somewhere on the motherboard last week. So now I'm being extra safe.

Nothing. Leaving it to chance in hopes it turns out well. Not even waiting for my manufacturer go ahead for drivers.
I think I'm ready on my main computer. It's a Windows 8 and I have the install disk, which I used during the traumatic bios experience of 2014 that killed my computer entirely (thank you Toshiba 😠), so if problems arise, I'm covered. I figure I'll wait a bit to update my stream 7 to make sure everything's good (so far it hasn't even had the upgrade reservation). I'm undecided on my Windows 7 computer. I feel a little nostalgic it seems to keep a 7 around. Mainly it's because that's my exclusive Netflix computer hooked up to the TV, and I don't want to take any risks (priorities!), but I'll see later on.
Eh I'll just put whatever is on the surface into OneDrive and hope for the best. I'm getting bored with 8.1 and I can't wait to play with w10 even if I might regret/miss some things that I've grown used to in 8.1. Figure I'll do the screenshot thing for posterity's sake
I have already installed the preview, and my prep consisted of backing up all my data, formating C:/, attempting to install Windows via the USB I'd burned, noticing that there was a serious issue with the USB drive that made the PC fail half way through the installation process, redownloading the .iso on a linux live usb (with a 1mbps connection), the download failing the first time, AND the second time, trying to burn a windows USB via ubuntu, failing, trying to burn a USB via a mac, trying to burn a CD via another mac, the CD not booting, me getting annoyed, trying again two days later, and FINALLY managing to install windows. This took me 6? days.
Waiting for it to come. I couldn't be bothered to backup. Everything I have is either
  1. Steam/Origin game that can be downloaded again.
  2. Music (that can be downloaded again)
  3. System files for other OSes
So I'm not bothering to back up.

Also, will I get W10 tomorrow? I've taken part in the TP (fun fact, I tested the first version of W10)
Waiting for it to come. I couldn't be bothered to backup. Everything I have is either
  1. Steam/Origin game that can be downloaded again.
  2. Music (that can be downloaded again)
  3. System files for other OSes
So I'm not bothering to back up.

Also, will I get W10 tomorrow? I've taken part in the TP (fun fact, I tested the first version of W10)

Your profile pic has some cruel intentions...hope noobs don't follow what it says while installing W10 :-D
Well, as much I'd liked to have been attending the Fan event in London...Event Invite..png

I going to be busy helping my aunt move down from Newcastle to London (6hr drive - each way) :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:. I never get an invite to such events and the first time I get one, I'm lumbered with a house move lol..

The problem I have is that as she has to move out this weekend (going tomorrow, coming back saturday with the removal van) the past few days have been spent to trying to get the new place in order; so I have literally have done nothing to prep for Windows 10 and wont be for next week or so as her new place of residence needs redecorating etc.

On a positive note, this prevents me for getting overly excited and fudging up my laptop {without backing up} in the process as invariably there will be some hiccups upgrading to Windows 10 (knowing my luck, I'd probably get several bsod's in the process haha).

Edit: address removed to prevent party crashers :winktongue:
Making sure all my important files have been backed up to a external HD. I we'll be doing the clean install. All that being done, now comes the waiting game.
I took my current Windows 10 preview and dropped it into a VM, then took the partition and formatted it (dual booting with 7 because of Windows Media Center) and installed WIndows 7 Ultimate (one of the 10 keys I have for it) so right now I am dual booting with 7 and 7 :)

One version is there JUST to take the 10 update, so I will be dual booting with 7 and 10 but, wanted a retail copy, not in the preview program.

Of course I removed the update that offers WIndows 10 on my primary OS because of WMC.... thanks Microsoft
I can confirm that once I upgraded to 10, my Key for "Windows (BIOS OEM Key)" remained the exact same as it was under 8.1.

However, my "Windows 10 Home" is a completely new key from the one I had on 8.1.

Save your Keys, people!!!

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