Just a few questions about upgrading to Windows X


New member
Jul 28, 2015
Hello everyone,

I am a relatively new Windows user, I bought my first Windows computer in February of this year, it is a HP-19 All-In-One.
It came with Windows 8.1, it took some getting used to, as I was a Linux user before Windows, but I really got to like it.
I was having some issues with getting the "Get Windows 10" App to show up in my icon tray, but I got that figured out (thanks to other threads on this forum by the way)
When I click on the "Get Windows 10" App, it opens up and when I open the little option menu in the left top corner, I click on "Check your PC". it says my PC is compatible with everything but touchscreen, but that isn't needed it says.
When I click on "View Confirmation" in the "Get Windows 10" App, it says:
Your Upgrade is Reserved.
There's nothing you need to do right now, you'll get a notification on your computer or tablet when Windows 10 is available.
Now I know that sounds pretty clear, tells me I'm good and that I have everything done that is needed.
But just to be sure, is there anything else I need to do?
I have run Windows Update and installed all the latest updates to both Windows, and my drivers, and stuff like that.
So everything is up to date.
I just want to be sure, because Win10 looks like it will be really cool, and like something I would enjoy.

Thanks for any information or input, and I appreciate you taking the time to read this.

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