windows 10 market-share

wasim sallam

New member
Sep 18, 2013
I can't wait to see windows 10 market-share for August.
I'm thinking 2 or 3 percent.
what do you think? I would like to know your expectations
I think a lot will skip upgrading in first month,,
maybe by the end of the year it will be around 15%
I'd be amazed if it's below 30% end of the year, 7/8/8.1 make up nearly 80% of the market, all of which can get Windows 10 for free.

Those that don't jump on that offer are crazy imo!
I expect more shares in October, when new PC devices for Windows 10 are announced.

Today when I walked into a big retail shop selling PC laptops, all the devices are still with Windows 8.1. When the retailers have upgraded all devices to Windows 10, I think people will see the attractions of Windows 10.

And still users have one year time for free upgrade. So I expect there will be enormous number of upgrades near the end of July 2016.
a lot of windows 8/7 owners will upgrade sometime by the end of the year,
beside all new laptops/PCs/tablets will come out with windows 10..
if windows 10 could make a good market share it will help windows 10 mobile to make more market share too as i think,
what do you think about this

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