Streaming Players in Windows 10


New member
Jul 22, 2015
Hi everyone i am very eagerly waiting for windows 10, currently i am using windows 8.1 which is the best among its all versions and i watched so many videos regarding windows 10 and its release date and i wanted to know are there applications like streaming players available in windows 10 store? Because i am a very good fan of tv shows, if i got subscribed to yupptv streaming service can i watch my favourite tv channels by downloading the app from windows store?
Unfortunately, if you use Windows Media Player, it no longer works in Windows 10. We now have to search for a decent video player. My biggest gripe right now with Windows 10 is that apps that used to be free are no longer so...or apps that worked with all other Windows versions no longer work with this new one. I to get used to progress, but at least give us a decent video/media player that goes with the new Windows. Sheesh!
well, I use Windows 7, however you can try CherryPlayer on Windows 10.

What are the advantegaes of CherryPlayer?
1) Mentioned by you streaming. You can watch there YouTube and Twitch as far as they are integrated there.
2) It's FREE! Free of charge and Google adware.
3) It doesn't slow down your system.

Future advantage: ability to log in ti YouTube (need to say ability to log in to Twitch is already implemented)

I don't plce any links here to avoid advertizing - Google know everyhting, use it :) But for now Cherryplayer is THE BST STREAMING PLAYER. For now.

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