Touchpad gestures not working - ASUS Vivobook

Oct 27, 2012
None of the touchpad gestures seem to be working anymore, such as the two finger scroll. I have an ASUS Vivobook with ASUS Smart Gesture, but it appears to be disabled or incompatible. No multi touch gestures seem to be working at all, and the left and right click is very faulty right now.Will this resolve itself with time and driver updates, or will I have to learn to live without Smart Gestures?
It seems like a lot of OEMs didn't get a lot of time to work with Windows 10 and get drivers going. I'm guessing that there will be driver updates soon that fix these kinds of issues, most definitely by the time the OEMs start shipping products with Windows 10 still on them (which in some cases is still a few months away).
Windows 10 Asus here. I deleted the touchpad driver and restarted and it started to download the new gesture software.
I have the solution. Looks like ASUS has updated their downloads. (Good job, ASUS!) I'm running Windows 10 on a 2012 N56-VJ series, btw.

-First, so to Settings (or Control Panel) > Uninstall
-Uninstall Smart Gesture
-Google this, and download the Smart Gesture pack for Windows 10: "asus smart gesture windows 10 download" (Forum won't let newbs post links below 10 posts, sorry)
-Run Setup
-Restart your computer. It should work at that point.

Hope this helps.
I have the T100 and so does a buddy of mine. His is Fubar after installing Windows 10. All system screens and log in screens are black. He was able to log in blind to the desktop but he is unable to open any programs or settings. Can't even boot to safe mode.
Re: Touchpad gestures not working - ASUS Vivobook [SOLVED]

Using an Asus S400CA ultrabook with which was encountering the same black screen problem which appeared to happen right after the Asus logo and go nowhere. I noticed on this laptop (holding F2 Key start-up) that the BIOS version was 2.08. I went Asus's site and found a newer BIOS which I upgraded to via USB thumb drive (v2.10) and upgraded to the newer BIOS.

Note: Had to use a 8GB flash drive as 32GB and 64GB weren't recognized.

The BIOS upgrade had a very noticeable improvement. The laptop booted fast to Windows 10, I had no black screen and all the noticeable boot up lag and performance lag went away also. I would recommend checking if your systems have newer BIOS's available and see if that corrects your problem also. Good luck!

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