Windows Update Error 80240020


New member
Jul 29, 2015
Just sitting here, trying to force the install of Win10 through Windows Update (check for updates and CMD prompt wuauclt.exe/updatenow), keep getting the unknown error code 80240020. See below for a copy of the error report

Upgrade to Windows 10 Home
Installation date: ‎7/‎29/‎2015 12:18 PM
Installation status: Failed
Error details: Code 80240020
Update type: Important
Install the next version of Windows.

Neither the "More Information" link and the "Help and Support" link are helpful at all.
I have the C:\$windows.~BT folder, currently 6.06GB, 18,052 Files and 3,592 Folders. Hasn't been growing in the last few hours. Manual update checks still fail.
Is this just MS demanding patience? Or did my download go wrong somewhere?
A huge amount of people having the same problem. So far no fix for many of us. Guess we'll have to wait and see what happens.
Corstin - You're not alone ! This upgrade has many issues; for the ones it has worked for, good for them, although they doesn't represent the majority. I've had a few people tell me so far; this update has caused problems since 1AM last night; you don't need much more testimonials then that.

I upgraded to Windows8 as easy as you can bite into an apple !
I had that multiple times on both Surface tablet and desktop, tried this and worked on both counts :).....

What this error means is, your Windows 10 installation folder is unfinished and/or corrupted. Now, how do you fix that?
1. Go into "C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download" and delete everything in that folder.
2. Now, run the command prompt as an administrator. Type in "wuauclt.exe /updatenow".
3. Go to your Control Panel > Windows Update and your Windows 10 should start re-downloading from scratch, hopefully without flaws this time.

From Reddit..
I got the same error as you. Update error 80240020. Atm I see 4 attempt of my Windows Update trying to update to Windows 10 Home but has failed. I had a friend who did that cmd trick plus before doing that he delete all the files and folder contained in C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download. Then he did that cmd trick and the update worked for him. He's using Surface 3 btw and everything seems to be fine up until now according to him. But I don't dare doing this to my main machine which is my main workstation. Please Microsoft make it smooth :(
Okay, that worked. I'm now sitting in Windows 10, with several bugs that are irritating me. First off, if you're using anything Nvidia, be prepared for a terrible patch that's undoable until you do a restart. Locked my resolution very low and centered the screen in an awkward, unfixable way until my restart. Next, can't figure out how to make Google Chrome by default browser, seems they actually prevented anyone from doing this (still looking into it...) Third, was going to do a full clean install after the upgrade (since that's the only way to get the Win10 key), but it warns you that you will NOT be able to downgrade back to your original OS (Win7Premier for me), so I'm a bit hesitant. But the above solution works for my error code.

Still working out the kinks in my machine, let me know if you have questions.

EDIT: They made putting Chrome as a default fairly hidden, but I figured it out. >.>
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Good to hear from you back !

I am using NVIDIA and that thing you mentioned got me a little bit scared. Is that completely solved after you do a restart? Mine is GTX 860M btw.

Atm, I am not planning to do a clean install because I don't have enough external drive to backup all my data. :( Also I heard if doing clean install you will need another key which is not from 8.1 or 7? Read it from here but I am not quite understand it :S
Hi everyone!

I've the same issue. I've tried the solution given here : delete the "C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download" content and use the "wuauclt.exe /updatenow" command.
It downloads W10, then says "Preparing" and then ... Error....
I've already tried this twice. Is anyone experiencing this? Is there any solution?

Thank you!
Good to hear from you back !

I am using NVIDIA and that thing you mentioned got me a little bit scared. Is that completely solved after you do a restart? Mine is GTX 860M btw.

Atm, I am not planning to do a clean install because I don't have enough external drive to backup all my data. :( Also I heard if doing clean install you will need another key which is not from 8.1 or 7? Read it from here but I am not quite understand it :S

Yes - I had same thing happen - low res and thought to do a clean reinstall, restart sorts it out, Nvidia software actually says restart pending.

@Hermantj - not had that happen so sorry cant help, go on Reddit many people who no doubt had same issue.
I had this same error with both my parents' and son's PCs, so I simply downloaded the media creation tool from the Microsoft site and created a USB drive with the Windows 10 image. Running setup from this USB drive upgraded both PCs without a single issue. Much easier than watching a ~4GB download multiple times with the same failure at the end.
Amazingly an MS forum moderator stated "This is an expected message indicating that when installation begins it may require user interaction", see this thread. I'm amazed that they let WU say "error" when this really means "hold off until we tell you more". I wasted a good three hours on failed updates. Back on 8.1 for now.
That is the dumbest thing they could've ever done with this. What the hell? I've wasted hours trying to figure out what was wrong. It does explain why some of us weren't able to update no matter what we did though.
I get the same error when I upgrade. Mine comes after it has downloaded all the files, and when it gets to the end of the preparing to install bit. Now when I go to the $windows~bt folder, where I believe it puts the files when it is about to install, I see an application called setup when I click on this it gives me the UI for installing windows 10 and asks me if I want to install now, should I click the option? Or will that attempt to install with out all the right stuff and break my tablet? I'm using a Dell Venue 8 Pro.
I followed the instructions i.e.

Locate the registry key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\OSUpgrade]

2.It should exist, but if not, create it.

3.Create a new DWORD (32-bit) Value with Name = "AllowOSUpgrade” (without the quotes), and set the Value = 0x00000001

it worked for me!!
I was getting that and a few other errors on 4 devices. I tried deleting the download folder and force starting the update, but it still errored out at the end. After downloading 40 gigs or so, I gave up and went with the download tool from microsoft. That succeeded on 3 devices the first time, and took 2 tries on the newest desktop. But it did work. Google windows 10 update tool and download it directly from microsoft.
I was getting that and a few other errors on 4 devices. I tried deleting the download folder and force starting the update, but it still errored out at the end. After downloading 40 gigs or so, I gave up and went with the download tool from microsoft. That succeeded on 3 devices the first time, and took 2 tries on the newest desktop. But it did work. Google windows 10 update tool and download it directly from microsoft.
Believe me it doesn't work for everyone.

However, the advice above yours actually worked for me. Turns out there was no real error, just Microsoft that didn't want to give it to everyone at the same time.
I followed the instructions i.e.

Locate the registry key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\OSUpgrade]

2.It should exist, but if not, create it.

3.Create a new DWORD (32-bit) Value with Name = "AllowOSUpgrade” (without the quotes), and set the Value = 0x00000001

it worked for me!!

Yep this did the trick for me as well. Really wish MS had put some more thought into this.

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