So I updated to Windows 10 from 8.1 Pro this morning and all was fine until a couple hours ago. Now, after about a minute of uptime, my tablet becomes unresponsive. I've let it sit for up to 20 minutes and nothing happens.
Anybody else having this issue?
Mine hasn't frozen, but it was very slow. I kept restarting it for different things because some of the programs and drivers didn't update immediately, like my touchpad, which reset the settings and I couldn't even open settings until a few restarts. If you're able to, I would try restarting it several times with a little while in between to see if that helps. Every time I restarted, a new thing would start working.
I had this issue as well. For me, after a minute the screen would flicker a couple times and then it would just be frozen. No disk activity or anything.
To fix it I booted into safe mode, uninstalled my video driver, rebooted, let the update for the video driver run and after the reboot everything was fine.
This was on a Lenovo W510 if it helps anyone