Windows Central Question
Windows 10 stuck on "preparing for the upgrade"
Its been like an hour and its still "preparing for the upgrade"
Its been like an hour and its still "preparing for the upgrade"
OK folks, so I too got stuck on the preparing for installation screen. Here is what I have done so far. I took the install.esd file locate in a hidden folder on the “C” drive in C:$Windows\Sources and converted it to an iso. You can search the web for esd conversion tool. I then mount that iso image and was able to do an upgrade with no problems. On another system I use the media creation tool from Microsoft to download the iso and then burned the iso to a usb key using the Windows 7 USB DVD download tool. I was able to do the upgrade with no problems on my Surface Pro 3. I have not done a clean installation using either iso yet but will be doing that later. This file will no longer be there after you have complete the upgrade so copy it to another location before completing the upgrade. Using the media creation tool the file is located in C:\OneDrive\documents and is called “windows.iso”. In addition, both method activated Windows 10. Hopefully this information helps. I will post the outcome of a clean installation once I get to it.
OK folks, so I too got stuck on the preparing for installation screen. Here is what I have done so far. I took the install.esd file locate in a hidden folder on the ?C? drive in C:$Windows\Sources and converted it to an iso. You can search the web for esd conversion tool. I then mount that iso image and was able to do an upgrade with no problems. On another system I use the media creation tool from Microsoft to download the iso and then burned the iso to a usb key using the Windows 7 USB DVD download tool. I was able to do the upgrade with no problems on my Surface Pro 3. I have not done a clean installation using either iso yet but will be doing that later. This file will no longer be there after you have complete the upgrade so copy it to another location before completing the upgrade. Using the media creation tool the file is located in C:\OneDrive\documents and is called ?windows.iso?. In addition, both method activated Windows 10. Hopefully this information helps. I will post the outcome of a clean installation once I get to it.
OK folks here is an update to the above instructions. Also to answer some of the questions that has been asked. First and most importantly I would recommend that most of you should do the second method. It is the easier of the 2 methods I mentioned above. Be advised that it will ask you if you need to download the home or pro version. If you download the pro version and then try to use it to upgrade from a home version it will ask you for a key in order to continue, there will be no skip option. If you upgrade pro to pro or home to home it may ask you for a key but it will give you to option to skip that part. Being able to skip over the key, once the upgrade is complete it will then activate on its own without a key. If you are stuck in a loop because you have already tried to upgrade you can stop/cancel the upgrade. Just look for the stop/cancel option in the upgrade window. I have not gotten any error while using the 2nd method above.
As far as not being able to find the .esd file, use the second method. The esd file will only be there if you are stuck with the preparing to install issue. And you must copy that file before rebooting or doing anything else. That is why the 2nd method will work for most people. Just search the internet for windows media creation tool. Now depending upon the speed of your internet connection will depend on how long it will take to download the windows.iso. Not wanting to leave the laptop plugged in overnight if that is how long it takes is a personal choice and there is nothing more I can offer on that point.
As far as doing a clean installation, once you have completed the upgrade and it has activated, you can use the same iso to do a clean installation. Search for (microsoft-quietly-rewrites-its-activation-rules-for-windows-10) for more information. Now everything I have explained here works with genuine versions of windows 7 and 8.1. I found out about the home to pro the hard way and had to download the home version to get passed the key issue. Also because the upgrade process checks for windows updates I think you must be connected to the internet during the upgrade process. At least I was. I did not try to upgrade not connected to the internet and will not try that method. So I cannot and will not have an answer for that. Hopefully this addresses some of the issue that have been asked here. This is also my last response to this issue.