W10 ... Why so clunky?


New member
Aug 20, 2011
So I downloaded the ISO, installed it in VMware, and waited for the first boot.

After agreeing to the same things four or five times, pressing "skip" for the same questions about activation, and finally dropping to the desktop I looked around.

All I can think is "why is all this clunky stuff getting in my way to do simple things?"

The UI is a hodge podge of wayyyy too much information in similar boxes, with poor color choices, odd font sizes, and .... Search in the Settings ?

They could not organize Settings well enough , so I have to use Search to find setting preferences ?
(OK, not a big deal)

On to installing chrome since edge just failed to load almost every page I tried.... Where did chrome go ? Oh, windows hid it ... Set chrome to default, then stated looking for how to set home page to something other than Bing....
Those browser settings are even worse: poor colour choices, poor arrangement of options, and not sure of I'm saving settings or just trying again.
(Annoyance, but not killer)

Finally a functional browser, let's check out the store and find some GPS/mapping applications, since the default Map application is not usable ( why did they include THAT cludge with the is anyway?)

But the store is broken.

Hmmm... Well that was a fun hour of exploring. Guess I'll try it again when sp1 rolls around.

Great job Microsoft. You just lost 2016.
Lol I don't know why, but every problem u mentioned does not exist for me. I installed in my SP3 and so far its been perfect for me
Same here(updated fine on SP3), but I am a bit annoyed with the onedrive situation and the fact hey cortana doesn't work anywhere near as well as it did on my 1520. Try installing on an actual machine, I had the same problems when I tried to use 8 on a VM.
I wasnt referring to the speed of things, it's as fast as native on this machine... but more about how the UI looks, and feels like 20 different countries contributed designs and the were all included in the final.
...how the UI looks, and feels like 20 different countries contributed designs and the were all included in the final.

I think the UI is awesome, and I don't share your appraisal of it. Good job, Microsoft! You won 2016!
I think the UI is awesome, and I don't share your appraisal of it. Good job, Microsoft! You won 2016!
The ui is inconsistent throughout. It switched from desktop mode to tablet mode several times, without my input. Then the application that was being used in one mode would disappear until switched back to the other mode. That was the most glaring problem, followed by the unusually large amount of options, text, and inconsistent locations of clickable locations in different windows. Just going through the settings and setup processes I had to wonder why a method of input wasnt implemented and used, instead of making so many pieces in the pie.
1. It won't take an entire year and a half to dramatically improve.
2. There's no such thing as a Windows service pack.

Maybe you should try Linux.
The ui is inconsistent throughout. It switched from desktop mode to tablet mode several times, without my input. Then the application that was being used in one mode would disappear until switched back to the other mode.

Again, I'm not seeing those same issues. While there still are some Settings App/Control Panel inconsistencies, general usage is consistent for me. And it is not randomly switching from desktop to tablet mode on my Toshiba Satellite Radius P55W; nor do I have applications appearing and disappearing either. For me, it seems to work exactly as it's supposed to work.

So I don't know what to tell you, man. Maybe clean install from scratch?
1. It won't take an entire year and a half to dramatically improve.
2. There's no such thing as a Windows service pack.

Maybe you should try Linux.

1 if it's not prime time this far through 2015, it will take some time to mature

2 hmm, OK, leaned something today. :)

3 Linux reference- about 10 years ago that was fun to play with, but then xp was easier. vista/7/8 kept trying to reinvent the ui, instead of getting out of the way, so I went hackintosh. the hack ui never gets in the way, just easier to use.

honestly I don't understand why ms doesn't shoot for a less-is-more approach in the ui, instead of so many different (and odd) charms, dialogues, and window dressings/tiles. simplify the ui, get the popups/notifications out of the way, and unclutter things... would be so nice.

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