So Windows 10 is running terrible for me


New member
Feb 2, 2012
So I upgraded my Surface 3 to Windows 10 and so far, it has not been a pleasant experience. In tablet mode, it is practically impossible for me to scroll the start screen. If it does move, it is so slow and clunky it never gets to the right spot. Swiping from the left edge to bring up the multitask view rarely works either. It will flash quickly to the multitask view and then go right back to the app I was last viewing. The Edge browser runs incredibly slow and clunky as well. Trying to scroll through a page, even a pretty simple and clean page is painful.

After a reboot, I tried to swipe up so I could log in, but it was so jerky/clunky I never could get it to swipe up all the way to bring up the login screen. I had to attach the keyboard and do it that way. After entering my credentials, it just took me to a black screen. I had to press the power button a couple of times to get it to take me back to the lock screen where I could try logging on again. Anyone else dealing with similar issues? After checking for updates, I did find some that I'm downloading/installing now. If those don't work, it looks like I may revert back to Windows 8.1.
I'm having more problems running Windows 10. It seems to have difficulty charging the battery. After working with this for a while, I plugged it into the charger once the battery was down to around 14%. After nearly 3 hours, it was still at 14%. The icon in the systray looked like it was charging and the white LED was illuminated on the charger, but it seems like it didn't charge at all. When I click on the battery icon in the systray, it will sometimes say "not charging" despite being plugged in. Never had this issue with Windows 8.1.

I've also had problems typing. When trying to reply to this thread using Edge, I could not get the cursor to show up in the message field. I would try both tapping with my finger and using the track pad to click the cursor into the field and it would never appear. I finally tried opening the window in IE and it sort of worked. I could get the cursor to appear, but when I started typing, it would only recognize a keystroke every few seconds. I would have to press a key, wait for the letter to appear, sometimes this would take several seconds before I could press another key. To get this message, I typed it out in Notepad (which worked fine) and pasted it in.

Is anyone else having these kinds of problems with a Surface 3? I'm not sure what I'm going to do if I can't get this resolved. I definitely want to run Windows 10 on my tablet so if this doesn't work, I might have to return the tablet and wait for a more powerful one. This is just weird.
I upgraded my Surface 3 yesterday. Right after upgrade it seemed like apps didn't work. I did windows update, had a few... including a system firmware one for 7/23/2015.

took a long time to update with many reboots, I kinda put it down and worked on other things but noticed it seemed to be rebooting a lot until I thought hmmm reboot loop? Then it stopped.

After that, it's very smooth and responsive. Apps seem to have trouble getting started but after 2 or 3 tries, they stabilize out.

My only concern right now is the vertical scrolling of the start menu full screen! I liked the horizontal way!

That said, I haven't used it that much yet but I haven't noticed what you've reported thus far.
Was it telling you there were updates or that it needed to be continually rebooted or is that something you did on your own? There were a few updates available that I downloaded (3 I think) but they didn't resolve anything. I've rebooted a few times and it doesn't seem to make a difference.
Was it telling you there were updates or that it needed to be continually rebooted or is that something you did on your own

Sorry I didn't come back to this thread.

It was doing it's own thing for a while when I did the windows update. I was working and then realized it was taking a long time time and seemed to be rebooting a lot. By the time I was thinking I should check it, it stopped rebooting. I'm not sure how long it was going for, 15-20mins? And even then I wasn't watching what it was doing the whole time.
Join the club.
Totally ruined a good Surface 3 experience and heading back to 8.1
I have experienced what you have listed and much more.
It's not the hardware but the buggy OS.

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