windows 10 and onedrive desktop app

You may need to re-synchronise the desktop app. Right-click on the logo of OneDrive in the bottom left corner of the taskbar, go to settings and then see the "choose folders option".
Its the lack of placeholders for OneDrive. In order to see your OneDrive files in the file explorer, you need to download those files to your computer. (kinda defeats the purpose of OneDrive, I know) If you do not want to download your files, then you will only be able to see them one
Its the lack of placeholders for OneDrive. In order to see your OneDrive files in the file explorer, you need to download those files to your computer. (kinda defeats the purpose of OneDrive, I know) If you do not want to download your files, then you will only be able to see them one

Question. How did placeholders work exactly? What I mean is, did that placeholders download the files anyway on 8.1 only if it was set to be taken offline?
Exactly. On Win8 you could choose for each file individualy if you wanted to store a copy of it on your device. If you decided not to do so you still saw them in your Onedrive folder in Explorer but you just could open it with an active internet connection. They realy ruined this for now since you can't set it for files anymore, just folders, and if you choose to not download a folder from Onedrive then you don't see it in Explorer. I hope the realize how dump that was an bring back the old functionality.
Exactly. On Win8 you could choose for each file individualy if you wanted to store a copy of it on your device. If you decided not to do so you still saw them in your Onedrive folder in Explorer but you just could open it with an active internet connection. They realy ruined this for now since you can't set it for files anymore, just folders, and if you choose to not download a folder from Onedrive then you don't see it in Explorer. I hope the realize how dump that was an bring back the old functionality.

Yeah...this seems be a huge oversight. I read somewhere at some people were getting confused by the placeholders on W8 and 8.1. I must admit, that at first that was me. But it didn't take me long to realize what was going on. Once I did I really got use to it and really would like them to bring it back. However, there are only really 2 folders that require my constant access. So maybe its not that big of a deal after all.
Yup now it makes sense..... I sure hope they fix it. It was great the way it was. I have over 1 Tb of storage on OneDrive and very little on sp3 OneDrive made it like the sp3 had a Tb also. Now OneDrive is useless for me until they fix it
The change was done supposedly due to feedback, so I presume that if enough people feedback to bring it back it will happen.

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