Win10 Issues Desktop & Craptop


New member
Jul 30, 2015
Installed W10 today on the desktop and it went through its paces, then it said it had to do one more restart and upon the restart I got the little window that stated Windows 10 will now revert back to previous set-up with and error message that (wish I'd a wrote it down) but said to the effect it was unable to boot to Safe mode and therefore is reverting back to the old OS.

Does anyone know what could be causing Win10 to fail to boot to Safe Mode as one of the last steps of its integrity install? In the old OS all systems are go and clean and green and purring like a kitten. SFC /SCANNOW and Disk Check are all good to name a few. It boots easily into any boot order while in Win7.

My laptop (dual card one for battery power one for wall outlet) primary card referred to the AMD driver being incompatible, I then updated to ~15.7 Win10~ but it is still incorrect ( Primary AMD Mobility Radeon HD 5000 series) and in Device Manager states Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. The intergrated/secondlary card ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200 series in Device Manager states there is no driver installed for this device yet the icon has no flag.
Try to boot into Windoes 8 (That's your main OS I guess) and try check if the problem is caused by your Anti Virus! So just turn it off!
If not! Wait sometime!
Sorry dude
don't have W8 & 8.1 am using W7. acually the W10 upgrade works even with the incompatiblity issue in other words it still runs but Device Manager shows the Display Adapters with yellow flags and Properities show that the drivers are not working so I guess I'm running on M$ VGA but am not sure. Yes this issue will eventually be addressed by all concerned because there are too many people with embeded gfx cards on their craptops and those cannot be changed (as we all know) so will have to live with this inconveinence.
also the issue with the desktop is on the back burner too, what i did see of W10 on the craptop i wasn't that impressed way too many app things and too much emphasis on smartphone/netbook type usage, navagation is another thing i wasn't impressed with don't know why every OS has to muck around with things that work and change them.....bummer.

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