Move groups of Start Icons?


New member
Nov 8, 2010
Hello, all.

Has anyone figured out ​a way to move groups of START button icons? I want to organize my app layout; however, moving around 1 application as a time is becoming quite time consuming. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Are you referring to the new Start Menu in Windows 10 (PC)?

If yes, you should find a small piece of text or label above certain groups of tiles, e.g. one of the default labels is "Life at a glance". Click and drag (or tap and drag) that label to move all the apps that have been placed under that label.

Hence, it would be advisable to group the apps you want to Pin under one label, e.g. all weather apps under "Weather" and all Office apps under "Office" (you can choose whatever label name you want) so that dragging them as a whole group of tiles will be easier.
Thanks! Yes, that did the trick. Is it possible to create new headers or Labels? I cannot seem to do that in Windows 10. Thanks again!
You're welcome.

Yes, you can. Simply drag any tile into an "empty space" in the start menu screen - that will create a new header/group for that tile so you can add more tiles similar to it later on.

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