10 Reasons Why I Love Windows 10


New member
May 25, 2011

I finally upgraded three machines, yesterday, without issue with my neighbours machines to follow. All in all it went very well with no issues.

-Surface Pro 3 i3
-HP Z600 workstation (Hex core etc)
-Custom self built i7 gaming rig

I would put ten reasons why I like it but I'll leave that to others. Sure, of course, the modern UI has, in a sense, shrunk down to a small version of itself but after a quick change it's all perfectly fine.

Loving it. I have zero reasons to return to Windows 8.1. This thread won't get as much attention as the other 'HATE' thread as that's the internet for you. Shame
1. Start Menu
2. Live tiles on the start menu!
3. Multiple Desktops
4. Edge, baby!
5. Clean look. Love the UI
6. Cortana, Cortana, Cortana!
7. Office Mobile touch apps
8. UWA (Universal Windows Apps)
9. Continuum
10. Hello! Yeah, Windows Hello. I'm gonna need a fingerprint scanner or 3D camera or something now.
10) She's fast
9) I feel more connected to the cloud and my other Windows Devices
8) Photos App looks very nice (still playing with it)
7) New themes and wall papers
6) Organized for work flow
5) Live Tiles so much more surfaced for quick peeks
4) Task View
3) Action Center
2) Notifications
1) Hey Cortana

GREAT thread. Spread the love.
1) Hey Cortana
Man, I wish I could use that feature. Every time I try, my 2 year old and 5 year old come running up to the computer and trying to talk to her at the same time. It becomes a jumbled mess of what she hears. LOL
I will write this randomly, not in order :P

1. Hey Cortana, she's sexy
2. Start menu with tiles
3. Run apps in windowed mode (super useful to me)
4. Multi desktop natively (before this I use Dexpot)
5. Easy snap windows feature
6. Notification center
7. More clean UI which I really, really love
8. Edge is super cool, I am now migrating all my bookmarks and saved passwords to it :D
9. Groove music, also native support to .flac audio file !
10. Continuum (sometimes I purposely switched to it even I am using mouse & keyboard just for visual pleasing :P)
1. Cortana
2. Edge ( a bit edgie atm but will improve more with updates) ;)
3. Much fast than Windows 8.1
4. Groove music (I finally enjoy this app)
5. Candy Crush ( I kid :P) retract that to return of the start menu)
6. Theme's and the customization
7. Multiple desktops
8. Getting things done in a better faster pace
9. Notifications
10. Live tiles within the start menu
I'm thinking of only have Cortana enabled in the front room... 1) To see if it can fit into my life and, 2) to see if funny search results.

Fingers crossed. Now to find a suitable microphone.
Love the new mouse gestures for touchpad and multi desktop. 3 fingers swipe up, down, left, and right or 3 fingers tap to get Cortona.
Love, love, LOVE the new mouse feature: "Scroll inactive windows when I hover over them".

It means you can scroll any window WITHOUT having to click on it first. What a relief - too many times clicking on a window triggers some unwanted action, unless you always aim for the title bar. Now you don't have to aim, just hover over any scrollable portion of any window and scroll away.

I can't imagine why Windows didn't have this from the beginning. Once you've used it, you'll agree. Up until now I've had to use a little utility call Katmouse. The built-in function in W10 works better.
Love the new mouse gestures for touchpad and multi desktop. 3 fingers swipe up, down, left, and right or 3 fingers tap to get Cortona.
Didn't know about this. The 3 finger swipe up, down, left, and right are working great for me. 3 finger tap to get Cortana... getting nothing. How's that done exactly? Is there a setting?

Love, love, LOVE the new mouse feature: "Scroll inactive windows when I hover over them".

It means you can scroll any window WITHOUT having to click on it first. What a relief - too many times clicking on a window triggers some unwanted action, unless you always aim for the title bar. Now you don't have to aim, just hover over any scrollable portion of any window and scroll away.

I can't imagine why Windows didn't have this from the beginning. Once you've used it, you'll agree. Up until now I've had to use a little utility call Katmouse. The built-in function in W10 works better.

Yeah, I was using AlwaysMouseWheel. It was causing my scroll wheel not to work on any Universal Apps until I uninstalled it. I had no idea I was getting the auto-scrolling feature that the AlwaysMouseWheel gave me. Very nice.
Didn't know about this. The 3 finger swipe up, down, left, and right are working great for me. 3 finger tap to get Cortana... getting nothing. How's that done exactly? Is there a setting?

Probably just a Surface thing. I am using Surface Pro 3.
Na, works with all touchpads that have multi-touch.

Unfortunately, mine is rather "touchy" and doesn't always register. If I tap with 3 fingers several times, I'll eventually get it. Not worth it. My touchpad has too long a delay configured to make it active. If I 3 finger tap, wait about 1/2 second, then 3 finger tap again, I get it. I'd rather just "Windows Logo Key + C" to invoke Cortana listening for voice, or "Windows Logo Key + S" to invoke Cortana ready to receive typing. Easier for me.
One reason I like W10 is because the install went smoothly on 2 devices after forcing the update.

I'm not much for change.
Win10 I must say hasn't been a difficult transition for me at all.
Na, works with all touchpads that have multi-touch.

Unfortunately, mine is rather "touchy" and doesn't always register. If I tap with 3 fingers several times, I'll eventually get it. Not worth it. My touchpad has too long a delay configured to make it active. If I 3 finger tap, wait about 1/2 second, then 3 finger tap again, I get it. I'd rather just "Windows Logo Key + C" to invoke Cortana listening for voice, or "Windows Logo Key + S" to invoke Cortana ready to receive typing. Easier for me.

Good to know. My two old laptops don't have multi-touch :grin:
Another reason I like Win 10 on PC...
Groove music plays FLAC files!
I am predominately a touch user on a ideapad P500 touch.

1. The UI is seemless now. No more being thrown in and out of desktop or metro depending on what kind of program you open.
2. Love the action center over the charms. No more accidental activation.
3. I like the vertical scrolling of the apps and tiles, like windows phone.
4. The Edge browser is very fast.
5. I love the settings app!
6. My accent color is displayed much more.
7. The transitions are simpler and much more eligant.
8. The multitasking from the left side is better. I can cancel out apps faster.
9. Having the start button always on and in a consistant place is helpful.
10. It's a free upgrade!
Moderator on a tech forum and a practicing Luddite. Who knew?

One reason I like W10 is because the install went smoothly on 2 devices after forcing the update.

I'm not much for change.
Win10 I must say hasn't been a difficult transition for me at all.
So far:

-Update went well
-Product Key and activation built in even when doing a reformat>clean install afterwards
-Most important drivers installed without a hitch
-Looks sleek
-Very responsive
-Nice customization options
-Getting a Pro version from Win7 Ultimate is nice
-Start Menu is great
-UI excels in both form and function
-It's free

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