Installed Windows 10: super slow, no worky, Store won't open


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Sep 20, 2013
So, I finally got to upgrade to Windows 10 on my Toshiba laptop tonight. Have had it a few hours now, and it has been a wreck. Everything super slow, not everything working, and the Store won't launch which means no installing apps (even ones previously installed).

This is the error image I get when trying to open the Store app:
Screenshot 2015-08-01 00.10.01.png

Needless to say, my excitement has not been so hot yet. I'm hoping it's partly just the beast of everything setting up and that everything will eventually smooth out and work fine.

In case you are wondering, my hardware was up-to-par for the requirements, and I do run on 8GB of RAM.

Oy veh... just needed to put that out there, see if others were having similar issues, and wondered if there was anything I could do... besides a clean install, which I really would rather not do.
This is what I suggest doing.

1) Download Speccy and note down your new upgraded Windows 10 key (this would be different than your Windows 7 key)
2) Depending on what OS version you upgraded to, create a new Windows 10 ISO using the Media Creation Tool. Instructions here.
3) Perform a clean OS install. The activate using your new key. Skip the "Enter Windows 10 product key) section during install and activate later.
4) Make sure you have all the necessary drivers. If not try to see if there is a Windows 10 driver from other manufacturers for the same model

From personal experience, the performance was horrible when the update didn't run well on my Venue 8 Pro. Everything was slow till I performed a clean install.
Oops, forgot to come back here. As I had hoped, things slowly cleared up on their own. It must've been performing some updates in the background somewhere, because eventually things began working. The store even had a new logo by the time or started working.

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