Playstation 3 Controller not working on Windows 10

Simon Shihab

New member
Oct 16, 2013
I was using my PLAYSATION 3 Controller with DS3TOOL (Motioninjoy) on my computer and my tablette (surface pro 3) to play games but it looks like Windows updates the driver of the Controller in order to make it unusable (it is reconized as PLAYSTATION 3 CONTROLLER but I can't do anything with it...)
Same problem here. It sees it as a ps3 controller but when after that. Nothing. It just goes black and the controller turns off.

Any answers would be great.
I use the SCP drivers and was having the same problem. Disabling driver signature enforcement and reinstalling the drivers worked for me. I don't know if that would fix it for DS3TOOL, but I assume they stopped working for similar reasons.
That is it. I just got forced to uprade to Windows 10 since they force you to do this. Then my better ds3 stoped working. I installed SCp Driver and it started working again. But then I don't know why mother****ing Windows 10 wants to do a new update every ******* time you reboot your computer and now neither SCP Driver works anymore. Windows 10 has disabled it from working.
Ok here is the fix that works for me.

Go to Google, type in "connect PS3 controller to PC" click on the first video that shows up and watch it.
Links to download all items needed are included in the video description.

When installing the drivers for Xbox 360 controller don't use the ones in the zip file instead go to google again and search for "xbox controller drivers windows 10" click on the top website it will take to a Microsoft site which will have the files for an Xbox one controller, download either the 64bit or 32bit depending on your system and install.

My PS3 controller is connected and I am using it on Bluetooth and didn't have to disable anything like some sites suggest.

Happy gaming guys :grin:
Ok here is the fix that works for me.

Go to Google, type in "connect PS3 controller to PC" click on the first video that shows up and watch it.
Links to download all items needed are included in the video description.

When installing the drivers for Xbox 360 controller don't use the ones in the zip file instead go to google again and search for "xbox controller drivers windows 10" click on the top website it will take to a Microsoft site which will have the files for an Xbox one controller, download either the 64bit or 32bit depending on your system and install.

My PS3 controller is connected and I am using it on Bluetooth and didn't have to disable anything like some sites suggest.

Happy gaming guys :grin:

Cool, but not working for me... :( I don't know why, but WIndows 10 seems to block it. It worked for me on Win 7 / in 8 & 8.1.
You should just get an xbox one controller. Honestly the tools that you install to use ps3 drivers are dangerous as they can do as they please. You give it the right to download in the background and with full privileges do whatever it wants. Whether it's being abused or not you won't know as it can hide the fact. So it's about trust really.

I ended up getting an xbox one controller and man is it so much better. I can never go back to the ps3 controller after using it.
for anyone who is having problems installing the driver or you ps3 controller wouldnt detect, check out this video! "How To Connect PS3 Controller To PC! Windows 10 Fix" and my youtube channel is called KingGamez

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