We can talk about Microsoft's 8000 pound gorilla in the room? Where is the hardware? OEMs in Revolt

Christian Matthew

New member
May 14, 2013
It seems as of late Microsoft can do about half of the things "right" they set their minds too. And this is no longer a Balmer era situation. Satya this is on you. Why in the helkies is there no cool hardware releasing with the release of Windows 10?

There is no excuse for this. Yea HP release one thing and perhaps Dell released something but nothing I could really throw a stick at.

It really boggles my mind... And to the point if OEM's want to continue to be difficult then keep on releasing Surface products and crush their asses out of business. Not just tablets but 13' and 15' laptop ultra book variances too. Asus, Dell, Lenovo and etc, except for HP, have released anything of note on the heals of the greatest Windows release of all time. Unbelievable.

And here is the questions becomes why? Why are OEM's giving MSFT a rough time. Well, if my IT department is anything of an example of it then I have an idea. For the first time OEM's are actually afraid of OSX in the work placea and Windows pc OEM's don't know what to do about it. And that is stunning. Why? For many reasons.

I will give you an example for my own situation.

When I first went to work at my company I sat down on the first day and saw a brand new iMac all in one sitting in front of me. Now this thing is beautiful but lets look at the specs.

It as of note:
27 inch display
8 gigs of DDR3 ram
a generic NVIDIA graphics card
has a 1080p screen
and a 1 TB storage drive.

All for $1,679.99...

That is not a budget pc and for about $700 to $1000 dollars less I could have gotten the same exact build and for sure I could have received16 gigs of ram for still the same amount off.

Do Macs have any of the capabilities that IT departments utilize for installing updates and other business level logic to Macs as they do with PC's. No, not really. But there being bought anyway.

In fact, one thing I notice on iMac right away is the Office software on a Mac. This is just pure blasphamey not from the fact that it is there but the fact that it is there so poorly. First, off it is from 2011. Yes I know an update is coming soon. And Lync (skype for business) is absolutely a tragic buggy piece of software that has no business being on any OS that unpolished.

But blah blah blah so what of course MSFT is doing the right thing here by allowing their greatest and best software to just be able to work and run on anything.

Bull****. Remember that line from the Bill Clinton era campaign where that Southern Gentlemen so elloquently said to Bill about what he should focus on? "It's the Economy Stupid."

It's the Hardware STUPID. Hardware, hardware, hardware, hardware, hardware.... Hardware hardware hardware....

What doesn't Bill, or Satya or anyone get about this? LOL, how long is that SILVERY ALUMINUM object going to keep crushing you in the face?

What's funny is Microsoft actually did do something really cool with the Surface by using Vapor Mag, totally should have kept a black variant, and has pretty good mass appeal to people. Even Asus makes pretty nice hardware but they are way too all over the place to have any cohesive loyalty or expectation from their products. I.e a newly released product year over year.

Another things people like and have been trying to tell OEM's for years is people actually like the car model theory. What's that? We are going to focus and create a few products and we are going to improve upon that one product and release it ever year or so.

People are simple and this strategy just works. Could you imagine if Ford or GM released a brand new car make and model every 14 - 25 months or so. People would know what to expect and wouldn't be able to fall in love with anything. And that's just it. You can't fall in love with something you don't know.

Maybe you don't like a Ford F150 now... But man looking at last years model being dropped from the rafters at the auto show sure made you think a little differently on just how beautiful those things really are.

The fact is most OEM's just need to go away. Like the GM way of doing things... No 10 - 12 different brands is not really necessary and is more to the point of harmful than helpful to ones business model.

It is not Microsoft's job to make OEM's get this. Apple and Samsung (phones) have both provided the model for this and it is obviously working.

MICROSOFT... Ever hear of the phrase, "when you want something done right... Sometimes you have to do it yourself." I think this was the decree leading to the inception of the Surface.

Well guess what? This just needs to be the all out decree of the Microsoft Business model. Go to all out war with the OEM's buy up the HP's or Dell scraps when it's over so you don't lose the business foray and keep it moving. Otherwise OEM's are going to be the demise of you.

Just do it.

And this is x10 for the mobile situation. And my god if you release a polycarbonate mess from the Nokia error. So help me god.
1.) There's a lot of new hardware on the way.

2.) It's not "finished" yet, and there will be many more features to be added to what we currently see.

3.) Windows 10 has many years of support remaining.

4.) And Windows 7, 8, & 8.1 hardware is all easily upgradeable to Windows 10. Know why? Because this isn't just a push to have OEM's sell more hardware, it's to bring existing hardware up to par on Microsoft's services. That means focusing on existing hardware.

They're not messing anything up. This is a deliberate push. And it's been done excellently.
1.) There's a lot of new hardware on the way.
What new hardware and more to the point what new hardware looks exciting to you?

2.) It's not "finished" yet, and there will be many more features to be added to what we currently see.
I completely agree and understand that but what does that have to do with hardware?

3.) Windows 10 has many years of support remaining.

4.) And Windows 7, 8, & 8.1 hardware is all easily upgradeable to Windows 10. Know why? Because this isn't just a push to have OEM's sell more hardware, it's to bring existing hardware up to par on Microsoft's services. That means focusing on existing hardware.
Again, I don't see how this correlates with years of crappy hardware? Now there upgrading it... great but what about new hardware? Remember we are competing with Apple here not chromebooks.

They're not messing anything up. This is a deliberate push. And it's been done excellently.
I guess I think differently.
Wait, skylake? ok lol what about it. I mean Mac isn't going to be able to use Skylake? What does skylake have anything to do with good hardware?
Why would someone want to release new hardware when Skylake is around the corner? I'm sure there will be new hardware in the next few months or fall. An OS can be easily updated. Hardware in a laptop cannot be upgraded most of the time now a days. Skylake will bring wireless charging and better power efficiency compared to broadwell to name a few.
Surface 3 and Pro 3 are fantastic hardware, fully capable of Windows 10. Meanwhile, mac still don't have touchscreens and run a completely different OS than their portable devices.

I don't see a problem.
ok skylake is going to usher in the new hardware? I hope so. However, I will say that Surface 3 pro because of no iris scanner and small stats
Surface 3 and Pro 3 are fantastic hardware, fully capable of Windows 10. Meanwhile, mac still don't have touchscreens and run a completely different OS than their portable devices.

I don't see a problem.

the problem is peoples perception of power of hardware and overall sales of the product thus os thus apps.

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