Large Tiles Don't Show Content


New member
Feb 26, 2015
As shown below, large tiles don't show much content:

large tiles.png

However, medium tiles show full content:

large tiles - small.png

Anyone else experiencing this?
Yes! I am having the same issue.. I even thought about doing a clean install to see if it would help.

Anyone tried that yet?
It is troublesome and needs fixed. The weather icon doesn't work for me, Photos only shows one photo and Netflix large tile is just the logo. I guess I should have reported it on the insider program, but there were many things not working in there.
It is troublesome and needs fixed. The weather icon doesn't work for me, Photos only shows one photo and Netflix large tile is just the logo. I guess I should have reported it on the insider program, but there were many things not working in there.

The weather was non-functional for me before, but it is working now.

I hope they fix the email live tile targeting. It should only be showing the inbox, like the old app (or at least have options). Showing junk mail is unacceptable, however.
This might be related to custom scaling. I could reproduce the problem after a clean install if I set scaling to 120%, but if I set it to 100%, functionality resumed.

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