How to remove password lock after sleep?


New member
Mar 1, 2015
My Surface Pro 3 keeps asking for a password after waking from sleep. Even though I set the netplwiz-thingie to no password required (which works, it doesnt ask for a password when booting) and set the Require sign in in account settings to 'never'. So what am I doing wrong? Really dont want to unlock it every time.
Go to Power Options - on the left there is a setting "Require a password on wakeup". Make that's set to "Don't require a password".
Thnx for the suggestion, no results however :( Was already turned off, and not set on to display the logon screen.
Yeah it's been set to 'never', but it seems to ignore that. Found a temporary workaround tho.

If someone needs it:
Go to Edit Group Policy (just use the default search/cortana, it'll find it for you)
Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Control Panel > Personalization
Now click on the right side on Do not display the lock screen, and enable this setting.

You'll lose your lock screen by doing this, if you care about that, but at least you dont have to sign in every time.
Thank you. This works fine on an Asus VivoTab Note 8. Having to sign in every time has annoyed me all week. You have made my day.

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