Windows 10 spying?


New member
Nov 21, 2012
I keep seeing people claim that Windows 10 is spying and is key logging everything users do. Can anyone explain to me what Windows 10 is actually doing? SANS tin foil hates please :-)
I knew the stuff in the first link, but that second link is pretty interesting. I don't use Cortana on my phone or PC, probably never will. I turned off some of the items mentioned during the install routine but will go through the rest of it too.
I read the text excerpt that the second article mentioned and it sounds like typical boiler plate stuff for the email system on online services. Since Windows 10 is so integrated with the online services I'm not surprised to see something like that. After going through the Privacy settings in Windows 10 I don't see anything outrageous like "we're key logging everything you do so we have all your bank information and we can now see all the porn sites you visit". I also think most of these privacy settings were also in Windows 8...
I read the text excerpt that the second article mentioned and it sounds like typical boiler plate stuff for the email system on online services. Since Windows 10 is so integrated with the online services I'm not surprised to see something like that. After going through the Privacy settings in Windows 10 I don't see anything outrageous like "we're key logging everything you do so we have all your bank information and we can now see all the porn sites you visit". I also think most of these privacy settings were also in Windows 8...

I think some people just want their complete privacy :p They aren't keylogging, but they will be checking which websites you visit etc. Sth I did find troubling, is the fact that they will scan all folders and files on your system (nothing to hide here tho), but I remembered sth from awhile back. Onedrive user had a lot of pirated movies stored and they were removed due to copyright infringements (no way of knowing what exactly he had stored)
I remember hearing about the pirated movie thing but from what I remembered it was dropbox. This is the story I'm thinking about. Dropbox isn't snooping, but it knows when you try to share copyrighted files. I don't remember any instances of that happening with OneDrive. And the website checking I think is also something old, I believe IE has done that for years, it checks them against known security risk sites. At least that's my understanding. I feel like a lot of this is old stuff but it's being presented in a new and more upfront way so people are getting all worked up over it even though it's probably less hidden now than it used to be.
I remember hearing about the pirated movie thing but from what I remembered it was dropbox. This is the story I'm thinking about. Dropbox isn't snooping, but it knows when you try to share copyrighted files. I don't remember any instances of that happening with OneDrive. And the website checking I think is also something old, I believe IE has done that for years, it checks them against known security risk sites. At least that's my understanding. I feel like a lot of this is old stuff but it's being presented in a new and more upfront way so people are getting all worked up over it even though it's probably less hidden now than it used to be.

Yea might have been dropbox :p

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