Ninjacat Wallpapers

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Zachary Boddy

Staff member
Aug 3, 2014
Hey guys! If you've made some custom Windows 10 wallpapers featuring our awesome ninjacat logo, I'd love to see them! Especially if you've mashed up the official Windows 10 wallpaper with the ninjacat. I'll download any that I like and actually use them as my desktop wallpaper as well.
Helo, this is some wallpapers that i made.You can visit others at my deviantart acc too. TQ
I like that! I've downloaded the 1080 version. Thank you. Have you made any other interesting Windows 10 wallpapers?
yes i do. i already uploaded all the wallpapers that i made at my deviantart account , and i will add more soon.
Could you please post a link? Thank you.
The wallpaper I want more than anything is a wallpaper using the official Windows 10 Hero logo (the new one not the one we first saw that didn't look as nice) with the ninjacat riding a fire breathing unicorn and holding up the Windows flag with all four logos and not just two. And correct shadows, haha. I'd also really like to have the I'm A Windows Insider flag too but that's just me being extra wishful. Below I've attached what I've been using as my wallpaper.
Ninja Cat Riding A Unicorn Wallpaper [1].jpg
I like it but it's not the official Windows 10 wallpaper (it's the old one), the shadows aren't correct at all and the fire is giving off some weird light that just looks like a bad spot.
oh, i see.. ok i will try to look over it.
for flat/minimalist windows 10 wallpapers collection visit the album here = http<space>://
visit other wallpaper too = http<space>://
*don't forget to remove the <space>
Thank you very much. You seem to be pretty good at this. I have no skill with photo editing whatsoever haha.
My screen resolution is 1366x768 if that helps anything.
You make the most mental banana trousers wallpapers for Windows 10 and they're very amusing (in a good way).
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