Can we pause+resume the W10 upgrade process?

Mr Question himself

New member
Feb 12, 2015
I got the message from GWX, "your pc is ready to upgrade" and I started downloading the update through windows update. I live in Nepal and we don't have regular power supply meaning no constant internet. I have already tried 4 times to install and the update reached to 25%, 75%, 14%, 20% respectively. When there is no internet, it resets to 0% that is why i had to try 4 times... still haven't reached 100%. So, the Q rises, Can i download the free upgrade in installments?
No, unfortunately, it won't "resume." You have to start over each time. This is because interrupted downloads that are unexpected like that often get corrupted data, and if they continued, it would cause issues with your actual copy of Windows 10 once upgraded.

It is possible that if you attempt to download the Windows 10 ISO file that you will be able to use a download manager in order to obtain it with resume capability, but I haven't really tried that. It's probably your best bet on getting it done, though.
I tried thru windows update but failing every time, downloading iso is not good either on windows 8.1 as it opens windows media creator page and that even don't support pause and resume..
I had a long chat with a technician, he suggested to use the 'media creation tool' to download the ISO as it supports resuming... his words not mine! and after download completes, run the ISO like an exe file and not by creating a bootable disk. he warned me "DO NOT RUN THE ISO BY TURNING OFF THE PC" he meant not to do a clean install. anyways, I haven't tried that one.... but if you do, please respond!
I got the message from GWX, "your pc is ready to upgrade" and I started downloading the update through windows update. I live in Nepal and we don't have regular power supply meaning no constant internet. I have already tried 4 times to install and the update reached to 25%, 75%, 14%, 20% respectively. When there is no internet, it resets to 0% that is why i had to try 4 times... still haven't reached 100%. So, the Q rises, Can i download the free upgrade in installments?
The good news is ..yes you can actually pause the download process.
I was facing similar problems like you. My UPS does not provide backup in case of power failure, also my internet download speed isn't great.
So the solution i devised is to hibernate the PC.
Once resumed from hibernation, the download kicks off from where it was before hibernation.
it's great that worked for you, but i thought of that a long time ago and tried it... but it didn't work for me 5 times.... so i'll just wait! :)
so guys i just happened to figure out a way which allows u to pause and resume the only problem is that if u pause and turn of the pc then u wont be able to resume. but still u can at least pause it when your pc is online i tried it twice on 8.1

just simply press alt+f4 that will close the installer but u can launch it again and it resume where it left off
As suggested in one answer, if we hibernate and again wake up the pc, the pause and resume of the download automatically happens. That's great to hear that. But as suggested in the second comment in this series, don't we come across the problem of windows 10 data being corrupted and cause a loss later during or after installation ?

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