Music Pass not working Windows store still shows prices even though I have the Music Pass


New member
Nov 5, 2011
How the hell do I download songs? I have the Pass, my account even says so. But every song in the store does not give me an option to download.
The Store is where you buy music (Although you can play stuff from there if you have a pass) but if you look for music from inside the music app you can download as normal.

Really joined up thinking on show here.........
Maybe Dave means downloading as in "making offline playback possible"?
I had the same problem on my W10Mobile... Try restarting your pc or logging out and back in in the Groove app.
Disregard. Im an *****. I kept using the "Get music in the Store" option figuring that was how I download music. I should've just searched for it using the app.
Don't worry this has confused me thinking the Store was a one stop shop for music pass subscribers.

So you use the Store for purchasing music. And the Groove app for playback, searching and downloading music?
Yea, I spent longer than I care to admit with this yesterday trying to figure out why I couldn't download music from the store without paying. It is pretty confusing.
Sometimes I think the new Microsoft way of all departments knowing what the other ones are doing haven't filtered through yet.

This is one example, the handling of Skype on tablets is another, and the stupid way "forward" with OneDrive is the cherry on the cake, MS can cause more damage to itself with ease than it's competitors ever could.
Even when you search for music to download with the music pass it only shows you what's in your collection in WM10. Why not have the store allow you to download music with the pass. Seems like a huge oversight.

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