Why aren't my Mail and Calendar no longer opening?


New member
Oct 4, 2014
Mail and Calendar are no longer opening

Hi guys, looking for some help on something quite big.

Updated a family PC to Windows 10 a few days ago, all went smoothly. Mail and Calendar apps opened, worked and details were put in.

A day later, these two apps - and only these two - will not open. Whether this is clicking the tile, or the name in the apps list, or even getting Cortana to try and launch them, they will not start up. Windows 10 will not allow for uninstalling them. This only happens on one account of the several on that PC - it happens to be the administrator account.

I have another PC that went through the upgrade at the same time, no issues. Under Settings, the working Mail/Calendar app is displayed on that computer as 760 MB. On the 'troublesome' computer, the app is only 450 KB in size (I cannot remember the exact number, I'm not using it right now). I am aware there was a recent update and wondering if this is to blame for not fully replacing the old version or something.

I really need help with this, it's mainly needed for someone else in my family. So, three questions really, an answer to any one of these will be hugely appreciated;

1) What is causing this?

2) How can it be fixed?

3) How often are updates to this app expected to take place? (As this might fix the issue).

Thanks in advance.
Have you tried deleting the mail app and reinstalling it from the store? This way, you don't have to wait for an update.

The problem might be related to the app not registering itself correctly after updating. If That is the case, not much you can do from your side to avoid it.
Re: Mail and Calendar are no longer opening

Having same prob as London.

Mos - how do we delete the app(s) as you suggest?
The option to Uninstall is greyed out in Apps & Features. I think this is what London meant.
Re: Mail and Calendar are no longer opening

There's a major issue going on with MS app updates right now. Seems like this is related to the Mail, Calendar and OneNote apps not working. Haven't seen anything official but there's a half dozen different threads here referencing it and MS support has been typically useless.
Re: Mail and Calendar are no longer opening

I am having the same problem. Just in case I missed it or just to clarify, is the app opening to the mail or calendar icon and just staying there for several minutes and then crashing? Because this is what happens to me. And only with mail and calendar on my laptop. My hp stream 7 runs both apps fine. Also every other app runs fine on my laptop.
Re: Mail and Calendar are no longer opening

I'm having the same issue with mail and calendrer
Re: Mail and Calendar are no longer opening

My Mail and Calendar are crashing on my SP3 5 - 15 seconds after opening. They work just fine on my desktop though.

This all started after the cumulative update was released last week. My brother is having the exact same issues on his SP3 starting after last weeks cumulative update as well.

I just uninstalled and reinstalled the Mail app (using PowerShell as Admin run Get-AppXPackage *communi* | Remove-AppXPackage). After reinstall, they seemed to still be broken. I then rebooted my SP3 and they seem to be working now (fingers crossed).

For a list of other Store Apps and how to remove them, you can go here https://thomas.vanhoutte.be/miniblog/delete-windows-10-apps/.
Re: Mail and Calendar are no longer opening

Thought I'd update this thread, the issue resolved itself when the Mail and Calendar apps had an update pushed out to them. Both now work exactly as expected, so all worked out in the end for my issue.

I do feel for those who are still having issues.

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