Project Astoria on Windows 10 Tablets


New member
Apr 7, 2014
At //BUILD microsoft announced the Android Bridge (Project Astoria) which allows developers to port Android apps onto Windows 10 Devices.

We now know that you can side-load Android APK's onto Windows 10 Mobile, but according to the Microsoft Develeoper website, Windows 10 Tablets will also support the Android Bridge. (source:

Does this mean we will be able to run Android apps natively on our windows tablets? Side-load or run apk files on Windows?
Is the android runtime already built into windows tablets or do we have to wait for an update to Windows 10?
We are not actually side loading ApKs directly. We are compiling APKs natively for Windows.

sent from my Lumia 535 using Tapatalk
Nope. Project Astoria is only for Windows phone devices, it doesn't port the app to UWP. Project Islandwood is the one meant to turn the iOS code into UWP app, but it's is in an really early stage, and if I am not mistaken, it's not as simple as Project Astoria (upload the APK and the tool does the heavy things for you and you change things as needed), but you need the source code of app along with other APIs.

Basically, Project A can turn the APK, a finished app, into W10M app, while Project I require you to make the app by yourself, but you can use your knowledge as iOS developer without learning much about UWP.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
They've also said more specifically that not only will it be limited to Windows 10 Mobile, but as of right now it's limited to ARM only as well. So even hypothetically if a 7" x86 tablet was running Windows 10 Mobile, then you still wouldn't be able to run Android stuff on it.

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