Store downloads issue

Kalyan Chowdary

New member
Dec 14, 2013
I have upgraded my laptop to win10 from win7.
While I'm trying to download apps from store, they show downloading and finishes after downloading half of app size only. Facebook app downloaded only 14mb outta 54mb and working well. AOE castle siege downloading some and closes and app not opening.
What should I do!
Still not fixed for everybody yet. My store app is not updating. I've rebooted.. I've disconnected my account from the store and rebooted, still not working.

I'm gonna head out lunch and hope whatever fix they deployed gets to me.. Not a super huge deal for me, but I'd like to see my Mail and Calendar app work again.. but that's what Webmail is for I guess. :)
Still not fixed for everybody yet. My store app is not updating. I've rebooted.. I've disconnected my account from the store and rebooted, still not working.

I'm gonna head out lunch and hope whatever fix they deployed gets to me.. Not a super huge deal for me, but I'd like to see my Mail and Calendar app work again.. but that's what Webmail is for I guess. :)

There are other issues that are causing apps not to download. If you have any network monitoring software (I was using Networx), or Antivirus, or firewall, it could cause issues with updating from the store, even if your internet seems fine otherwise. I don't know why, but it does.

If you have anything like that running, try turning it off, then trying to update and see if it helps.
Thanks for the advice. I might mess around with that a little bit. I don't think that's it, but one never knows. I checked my home PC over lunch and that also is having the same issue... Apps won't download, the Mail and Calendar apps will launch but just sit there with a blank screen like they are locked up.

My home PC is running Avast AV while my Surface Pro 3 I'm using for my Work PC is running just Microsoft AV. Even though I'm at work, I'm connected to a Verizon MiFi device basically simulating a remote user and using the SP3 as a BYOD device and connecting to a VMWare virtual PC for my work stuff... pretty fun actually... I only say that because I'm not going through any work firewalls or anything.

EDIT: I did kill Defender on my SP3 and no dice. I did manage to get 5 virus's while it was off.. I kid, I kid.

There are other issues that are causing apps not to download. If you have any network monitoring software (I was using Networx), or Antivirus, or firewall, it could cause issues with updating from the store, even if your internet seems fine otherwise. I don't know why, but it does.

If you have anything like that running, try turning it off, then trying to update and see if it helps.
Make sure your connection isn't a metered connection. That's the only other thing I can think of at the moment.

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