Windows 10 Problems (Audio/Skype/Groove/Edge)

Lucas Underwood

New member
Jul 24, 2015

I have been working with Windows 10 since the Technical Previews since early May of this year. I expected issues then, but it seems most recently I have run into a myriad of issues. I do not know if others have been having these issues or have been able to find a fix.

The Problems?

Regarding Audio
I have been running into an issue where my audio will just stop working on a few applications. These include Skype and Groove as the most notable instances.
There will be no sounds for notifications.
Trying calls will result in a momentary freeze of the program before hanging up the attempt and telling me "Problem with playback device".

Trying to play a soundtrack will result in no function, no progression of the timer, nothing.

I had audio errors before when I was running an earlier Technical Preview but the fixes I tried before did not yield results.
I ran an audio troubleshoot by right-clicking the speaker icon in the bottom right.
I checked the drivers which were up to date and 'working'.
I even tried changing the Default Format. Attempting to test the sound resulted in the icon changing but remaining in test without sound and the test would not end. Other times it would simply tell me the test failed. I found that changing the format would result in the window freezing/'Not Responding' and it would force me to close the window.

Usually restarting a couple times would fix the issue. I have run into the issue a few times and have not found an actual fix.

Regarding Skype
Skype has been showing issues beside the Audio errors as mentioned above.
Lately the program has been resetting my microphone settings to the lowest volume and I am required to manually go into Tools > Options > Audio Settings and drag the slider to the max volume. The microphone will reset like this if I restart Skype and even if I put the computer to sleep and wake it up.
I have not found any fix for this issue.

Regarding Edge
I have been running into issues with Edge where the program will randomly start freezing up and displaying 'Not Responding' on every attempt to load a page. I have closed the program and reopen it with the same results, yielding it useless to do anything.

I ran into this issue about a week ago and contacted Support. The Support person remote accessed my computer and ran the scan, ran the repair through PowerShell, and a few other additional tests. His conclusion was that Edge had become 'corrupted' and moved my personal files and programs (most of them) to a new user account and deleted the previous account. Well apparently that was not the issue and Edge is still showing this issue at random.
I have been forced to restart my computer a couple times to fix the issue when it begins.
The best solution I had found previously was Solution 3 on this page (

If anybody has any information, any fix that will end these problems I would GREATLY appreciate the help.
I find it upsetting that I didn't have these problems bombarding me all at once just before the official Windows 10 RTM launch.

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