"Modern" Apps Open and Then Immediately Close


New member
Jan 8, 2009
I have a newer Surface Pro 3 with Windows 10 pre-installed. And twice now, it reaches a point where modern apps will open and then immediately close. The last time this happened, I did a System Restore from the last update, which I didn't want to do but it fixed it. I don't want to have to do that again.

I've rebooted to no avail. I've tried WSRESET but I get the error ms-windows-storePurgeCaches File System Error (-1058340861)

I thought the last cumulative update was to fix this.

Any suggestions?
It's strange what's happening to you. I guess it depends on the device but on a laptop upgraded from 8 and this clean installed Windows 10 desktop. everything runs perfect. after every day.
I would have done what I do on a phone, factory reset if available to start from zero, or complete reset if nothing preinstalled is important. I like to start from zero, although the laptop seems to work fine with an upgrade from 8.1

But did you run sfc /scannow
Or you tried this? DISM - Repair Windows 10 Image - Windows 10 Forums

I don't think Windows cumulative updates can fix what doesn't seem to be working fine. but you can run and test those commands and see if there are some corrupt files on your side.
I wonder what was restored with the System Restore, since it seemed to fix it. maybe an update breaks something? like a driver or something? you could try to hide updates and test http://download.microsoft.com/download/F/2/2/F22D5FDB-59CD-4275-8C95-1BE17BF70B21/wushowhide.diagcab

There is no much I can do since I am not with your device in my hands. but I hope you can do something about it
I have a similar issue on my SP3. I'll click the icon to open an app, but it closes immediately before even opening. But when I click it again, it opens normally. An annoying hiccup sometimes. Is this what happens to you? Or are you unable to use the app at all?
I have a similar issue on my SP3. I'll click the icon to open an app, but it closes immediately before even opening. But when I click it again, it opens normally. An annoying hiccup sometimes. Is this what happens to you? Or are you unable to use the app at all?

Well, I was sitting here with my SP3 open but using a desktop and then it popped up and said I needed to enter my credentials again...I did and my "apps" work again...weird...annoying but weird...

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