Windows 10 Automatically waking up from sleep, how can i stop this?


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Aug 18, 2015
Windows 10 Automatically waking up from sleep

Hi, i am having a strange issue with my windows 10 pro version, It was working fine until the 3rd cumulative update. Now my lap never goes to sleep. When i sleep the laptop it goes to sleep and then automatically wake after 30 to 40 sec, and sometimes even 4 to 5 minutes. I have troubleshooted the power option, removed all the scheduled events but nothing works. On searching the command prompt with powercfg lastwake command it shows The POWER BUTTON.

Can anyone please help me to sort this issue.
I have narrowed this down to windows update. Windows update annoyingly makes a decision that a certain time in the morning is a good time to auto update, so it switches on the pc. I like the idea of it automatically waking up to perform updates but i live in a studio flat and the computer switching on, although not noisy, wakes me up at night. I wish i could force it to wake up when i'm at work instead but when i schedule it to wake up during work time, the schdule then reverts back to early morning.

Now you can turn this off in advanced power plan settings, powerplan/sleep/sleeptimers enable/disable/importanttimers only. I think important timers would include windows update so it would still switch on, so disabling sleep timers is the only soloution until Microsoft allow us to permanently set a windows update time that we're happy with.

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