Will Windows 10 entice OS/X and iOS users?


Retired Senior Ambassador
Aug 26, 2014
I have read several articles where the people who are enjoying Windows 10 the most are actually Mac users. While they aren't all switching, they do find that they actually like it.

Then I ran across this article today.
Windows 10: Pushing my MacBook and iPad aside

If you want to know a bit more of what to expect from the article before you click to read, check this out.
The versatility of Windows 10 is gradually pushing my MacBook Air and iPad Air 2 to the side. This was unexpected and a testament to how good Windows 10 has become in such a short time.

The author of the article has the job of writing about OS X and iOS. He is now using a Surface 3 as his primary device and doesn't miss his iPad or MacBook. Coming from a die-hard Apple journalist, that is really saying something.
I have a friend who is primarily an OS X user (musician and photographer) who likes Windows 10 better than Windows 7. This person will never use Windows exclusively or even the majority of time, but for such a hardcore OS X user to even use and like Windows 10 (and dual boot) says something.
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I was actually thinking today how I missed OS10.4 Tiger. I really enjoyed that OS.

Now I *like* Windows 10. Don't love it. But since it's not 8, I'll use it. But the little things that crop up, whether from software issues (mail app hasn't notified me of my 4 new outlook.com emails) or hardware issues (running an old crappy AMD processor and I get screen/taskbar freezes every once in a while), it does make me miss the "just works" aspect of Apple.

Plus, I feel that MS took parts of Windows 7 and beat them with the ugly stick. While this is very subjective, I find the UI to be rather bland; and yes, I do like a little depth to my icons. :)

I don't see anything in Windows 10 that would make a regular user of Apple want to switch. If I was still using a Mac, I wouldn't.
I don't see anything in Windows 10 that would make a regular user of Apple want to switch. If I was still using a Mac, I wouldn't.

It all depends on why that particular person is using Apple to start with. Windows 10 isn't for everyone, but a majority of people are liking it over anything else out there right now.

Some people choose the mac because of the aesthetics of the machine. Others choose it because it "just works". The reason they are able to "just work" is because there are a very limited number of hardware configurations on a Mac. The OS doesn't have to learn how to communicate with every single piece of computer hardware ever invented, which is pretty much what Windows is expected to do. Because Apple makes it a closed system, they get to choose what they want to support, and it does make it easier on them. Microsoft decided to allow "openness" and support everything, and that is a much harder road to take. That doesn't make what Apple did "wrong" by any means. They have set their own standards, and it works well for them. However, many people overlook that fact when complaining (not saying that you were complaining, just that there are some that do) that "Mac can make it work, why can't Windows", when Mac doesn't have to make near as much "work."

I think if I were to start an OS company, I'd probably try to do it like Apple. I don't have the patience it would take to do what Microsoft is trying to do with so many hardware variations. I also don't have the thick skin it takes when people complain about it not working with their configuration.

I honestly don't see a lot of "switching" to happen any time soon. I do think, however, as time goes on and Microsoft continues to hone Windows 10 and make it better, more and more people will be enticed.
You serious? You say it's running on crappy old hardware, yet still complain about it's performance..?!?!

Yes. When I got the machine, it was 8.1 and ran fine doing the same things I'm doing on 10. In 10, it occasionally freezes up on me. So in an OS that said "If your hardware supported 8, 10 will work on it" I think I have the right to bring it up.

I will be doubling the ram next month to see if that works.
I honestly don't see a lot of "switching" to happen any time soon. I do think, however, as time goes on and Microsoft continues to hone Windows 10 and make it better, more and more people will be enticed.

To entice people, Apple has their Hype Machine. Sometime soon, El Capitan will be released. I don't know what's in it or how it would make my life better, but Apple people know it's going to Be Totally Awesome. Or something. Many (I assume) Mac users like having a shiny iCarrot waved in front of them promising lots of good stuff.
You serious? You say it's running on crappy old hardware, yet still complain about it's performance..?!?!

I doubled my RAM from 4GB to 8GB and the system stopped freezing up on me, causing me to not swear at my computer for a few days. As an added bonus, GIMP, which used to take an eternity to open now just takes forever, which is a huge improvement. :smile:

(And I'm on an AMD A4-5000 APU with integrated graphics.)

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