Boot to start screen - practical thoughts?


New member
Apr 15, 2013
Right, it is clear that the value of live tiles is rather reduced if they don't appear at boot to announce all updates. Especially if you don't want them clogging up the notification centre with stuff less important than emails and other comms. This, though, should surely be an easy fix? Oh, and please don't suggest tablet mode. Until W10 works properly with swipes on precision touch pads like the T650 (rather than basic touch pads only like the ones on laptops) touch mode is pretty horrid on desktops.

I found the group policy setting to force boot to start screen in W10 but it is bugged and does not work. Until MS get around to fixing it, we need a work around.

All we need is to make a Windows script that runs at boot to bring up the start screen. But how? What is the command to bring up the start screen from Power Shell or Command Prompt? Is there a way to trigger a virtual keypress at start to trigger the start screen?

Your thoughts, gentlemen, please.
Was pondering the same thing today - logging into the computer and being greeted by a blank desktop is not very useful.

There's a thread over on the neowin forum called 'Open start menu using command line' (can't post link unfortunately).
Make a .vbs file, open it in notepad and paste:
set wShell=wscript.createobject("")
wShell.sendkeys "^{ESC}"
Set WshShell = Nothing

Works nicely. Dropped it into Start Menu\Programs\StartUp to have it activate automatically. That didn't work out so great though since there's a 7-8 second delay before it starts. Any idea on a better way to add it so it will launch without delay?

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