While starting Windows 10 around 2 min it shows blank screen then it starts normally, is that normal?

Pon Vijay Nirmal

New member
Aug 27, 2015
while stating windows 10 around 2 min it show blank screen then it starts normally

I have update my windows insider preview in my laptop to the full version
Every time when I start laptop it show blank screen around 2 min and it starts normal
Re: while stating windows 10 around 2 min it show blank screen then it starts normally

Same here, upgraded from Win 8.1 (originally from Vista - 8) restart seems fine but cold boot takes ages - same 2 mins blank screen.
Re: while stating windows 10 around 2 min it show blank screen then it starts normally

Hello everyone, I dit an upgrade mounth ago, but now windows disite to go for full version, now my startscreen will not come up, tree to fife times a day start up and cost more than 20 min, please , please windows do somthing about this :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
Re: while stating windows 10 around 2 min it show blank screen then it starts normally

Not to say that this will fix your black screen issue but I was seeing a 16 second or more black screen on my PC between the Windows 10 splash screen and the login screen. I thought my problem was a bad video driver as my card is 6 years old and AMD is has not updated the driver in 3 years. I was about to go out and buy a new card but after running Windows Repair to fix another issue my black screen is now down to 1/2 second. Windows Repair is a free download available on Tweaking.com and I can attest that Microsoft techs use this program (they did on my pc when it was still Windows 7). The program highly recommends that you run the program twice in safe mode. You may give this a shot as it may be a corrupt setting or something whacked up in the registry. Not sure what it fixed on my PC but I'm a happy camper and $200 richer.

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