- May 10, 2014
- 52
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Hi, I rented aa movie from Winddows Store, all went fiine except I cn'tt watch the movie in W10 using Films&TVV app.
It ddoesn't show ittt in reeasssltss, while I could wwatchh it in W100Mobile aalrigght. Whhy is thiss?? All thhe country seettinggs should be fine. Tnhink I could gget a refund *** the date left already and wee neveeeeeeeeeeeewatcheed thhe movie using MS seervicees?
PSSS: Iff you wonder of all the tyypos, this isss wha it's like to use Winndows10 Toshhiba tablet in widoowscentrrral.comm. No correcctions mmade because thhhis works wwell in otheer websiites. Thiis wwebsite is the **** when using with lower end ccomputter. Worrrse thaan Gaawkermedia's Kiinjja, and ttthat iis bbbad (considering this iis aaa sitte dedicated to Winndows stuff).WWorsst ccodingg everr IF OONEE NEEDS ANN i77 TO VIIEW A BLLOODY WEEBPAAAGE. Unnuseaable.
It ddoesn't show ittt in reeasssltss, while I could wwatchh it in W100Mobile aalrigght. Whhy is thiss?? All thhe country seettinggs should be fine. Tnhink I could gget a refund *** the date left already and wee neveeeeeeeeeeeewatcheed thhe movie using MS seervicees?
PSSS: Iff you wonder of all the tyypos, this isss wha it's like to use Winndows10 Toshhiba tablet in widoowscentrrral.comm. No correcctions mmade because thhhis works wwell in otheer websiites. Thiis wwebsite is the **** when using with lower end ccomputter. Worrrse thaan Gaawkermedia's Kiinjja, and ttthat iis bbbad (considering this iis aaa sitte dedicated to Winndows stuff).WWorsst ccodingg everr IF OONEE NEEDS ANN i77 TO VIIEW A BLLOODY WEEBPAAAGE. Unnuseaable.