Where are the tablet offerings for Windows 10


New member
Dec 22, 2014
I'm not finding a lot of true tablets, that are designed for windows 10. where are they? they missed back to school season.

What news am i missing out on when a windows 10 tablet will come to market?

Something like the ASUS Z580CA-C1-BK would be sick as a windows 10 device:

8" LED Backlight Touchscreen LCD Panel QXGA (1536 x 2048) Screen
IPS Panel
10 finger multi-touch support
Intel? Atom? Z3560 Quad-Core, 64bit
4GB of RAM

Proper link to device: https://www.asus.com/us/Tablets/ASUS_ZenPad_S_80_Z580CA/
Thanks, answers a little, guess Friday will bear more details. But com'on this shouldn't be hard, the OEM's have to wait for MS to make an announcement?
Let's wait till friday and see what we get :) I'm looking for a tablet as well, but it doesn't need to be that powerful
Windows 10 is worse on a tablet than Windows 8. It's fine if you use a mouse and keyboard, but then what's the point? I keep hoping they'll bring back the swipe gestures and fix OneDrive.
I agree the OneDrive thing drives me nuts but I'm liking Windows 10 a lot on a tablet.
Ok so what's wrong with onedrive?

Changes from Win8.1 to Win10. Many have noticed placeholders (and other things) have disappeared. I'm still grappling with OneDrive on Win10. Learning curve plays into this too.
Windows 10 is worse on a tablet than Windows 8. It's fine if you use a mouse and keyboard, but then what's the point? I keep hoping they'll bring back the swipe gestures and fix OneDrive.

Seems perfectly fine to me!? Sure there's missing options but once you've ignored the tablet mode, enabled the full screen start menu and the keyboard pop-up it's pretty slick.
Changes from Win8.1 to Win10. Many have noticed placeholders (and other things) have disappeared. I'm still grappling with OneDrive on Win10. Learning curve plays into this too.

What "other things" you mean? I am sorry the only thing missing from Windows 8.1 it's the placeholders which were crap, it only worked with photos, so what is the point? to waste space?
I mean... if you had hundred of hundred GBs synched to OneDrive then you had to download all those palceholders, even if you didn't need them, and they would waste alot of space. of course if you have some few GBs on OneDrive it wouldn't matter to you, but for people with many many GBs OneDrive, on a small tablet with limited storage, well... it was not good. especially because you had no choose, you downloaded or downloaded the place holders when you enter your Microsoft account. that would be problematic with people with limited data. don't you think?

But it was useless because it only worked on Photos, and in the end a double click would just download the whole file, it wasn't like a low res version of the original (like lightroom does with smart files) so again, what was the point of placeholders? it was really a not good implementation in many cases.

Also the problem it's you didn't even know when files were synched or not, sometimes I needed files and guess what? I couldn't use them because they weren't downloaded because the ONLY way to know was to put the files on details mode and see if they were "online only" or "offline". and then that way you can't see the thumbnails.... so you had to choose between knowing what it was synching and what you could see on thumbnails. not good implementation, in the end I just downloaded the whole folder because it was easier.
Now it's easy to tell which files are synched since they have a nice green circle with a check. you know what is available for you if you downloaded the file. etc etc.

Also you had to go to website to share files, while on Windows 10 you can do it from desktop. is that what people want? go to onedrive to share a file? well, I don't. I like sharing files like if it was a normal file and just give the link without opening the browser.

Another thing added to Windows 10 it's now you can go and access your harddrives wherever you are through one drive by checking the option. thing you couldn't do on Windows 8.1. I don't use it, but it can be useful.

I don't understand why people say OneDrive on Windows 10 sucks, if it brings more than it lost. yes, it's not perfect, the only thing missing that I would call important it's synching of individual files so you don't have to download a whole folder, or like i do, sync files to a temp folder where I can just move them later if need to (so I don't download the whole folder).
Anyway Microsoft said they were working on it. but I hope they don't bring the useless placeholders. to me they were just nothing great. it made some works difficult since I had to download files I thought they were downloaded because I saw them and when I double clicked it would just take long time to load because it was online only.
yeah it was nice to see all the files sometimes, when you needed to organize things, but sometimes a little change and it would take many minutes to complete, like I moved 160 files to a folder on onedrive website, deleted that folder, renamed the new folder. and it just took way too long to do that simple operation... where it was suppose to be fast.

so like I said, maybe it's because people are blinded and want to hate on OneDrive Windows 10 and love downloading all the files as useless placeholders but I think Windows 10 can bring more to OneDrive users than Windows 8.1 implementation could ever do.

and about tablet mode on Windows 10, it works fine. I don't know why people want to hate on it. in most cases it's better than what Windows 8.1 had. Idon't know what is the great thing about everything being hidden. some people might want that, but I found it boring, on desktop and tablet. swipe up to bring this, swipe left to get to other options, swipe right to switch apps. I don't think that was the best workflow either.
Yes, it's people's preference but it doesn't mean Windows 10 is worse than Windows 8 when windows 8 was always fullscreen apps and a lot of pointless swipes.
My "(and other things)" was an echo of what others have said. I should have not included it. OneDrive appears different (to me) than 8.1 and I do need to spend more time getting to know the Win10 way.
"I am sorry the only thing missing from Windows 8.1 it's the placeholders which were crap, it only worked with photos, so what is the point? to waste space? I mean... if you had hundred of hundred GBs synched to OneDrive then you had to download all those palceholders, even if you didn't need them, and they would waste alot of space."

The number of GBs is not proportionally related to the amount of space the placeholders would take. How much would a placeholder take for a 20mb file? 4kb. How much space would a placeholder take for a 1GB file? 4kb. It's how many files you have in total that counts. So if you are like me and you have Office 365 and get 1TB of OneDrive storage you have a crap load of files AND many, many, many GB out there. However, it only took up about 50mb of 'space' for all those placeholders.

" of course if you have some few GBs on OneDrive it wouldn't matter to you, but for people with many many GBs OneDrive, on a small tablet with limited storage, well... it was not good. especially because you had no choose, you downloaded or downloaded the place holders when you enter your Microsoft account. that would be problematic with people with limited data. don't you think?"

Even on a 16GB phone, that's not a lot of space given that all of those files were immediately at my fingertips without me going into some app or web site to download it. Now, I have to sync MORE stuff that I DON'T want just because the stuff I do want is in folders that I DO want. The fact that I have to pull down EXTRA stuff just so I can get the context of how things are organized.

The placeholders are all about the context. I don't bust up my organization system due to lack of line-of-sight on my device). I need to be able to see how things are organized so I can place files in the right place within the folder structure. Today, without the placeholder system, that means me bringing down extra folders. Which feels unnatural and is definitely awkward.

"Also the problem it's you didn't even know when files were synched or not, sometimes I needed files and guess what? I couldn't use them because they weren't downloaded because the ONLY way to know was to put the files on details mode and see if they were "online only" or "offline"."

Have I been bitten by this? Oh yes. Meant to make a file on OneDrive offline before hopping on a flight, forgot to. **** in seat. Oh Crap. Yes, it happens but it is a learning experience. Next time, I will remember to bring it offline. Maybe I'll bring more stuff than I need offline just in case before I hop on that flight and then once I land put it back to online-only. It worked awesome. Miss it so much. Now, I have lost the functionality of moving individual files back to online only. That was a sweet way of managing space on a space-limited device. To borrow some developer terms, I could constantly 'shelve' files I didn't need back to OneDrive and 'unshelve' them when I needed them offline for a while. It. was. awesome. Now with the broken, functionally deficient Windows 10 version of OneDrive. It. is
Unless I'm missing something, OneDrive on a tablet is crap because you need to sync the files in order to see them on your tablet. Of course, if you have 100 gb on Onedrive and only 20 gb extra storage on a tablet you can't sync all your files. That what was great about 8.1, the place holders told you what files were on OneDrive.

On my PC I have plenty of hard drive space so I'm able to sync all my onedrive files. No issue.

There are times when you need a file and darn, no internet. But, its 2015 and those times are few and far between.
Unless I'm missing something, OneDrive on a tablet is crap because you need to sync the files in order to see them on your tablet. Of course, if you have 100 gb on Onedrive and only 20 gb extra storage on a tablet you can't sync all your files. That what was great about 8.1, the place holders told you what files were on OneDrive.

On my PC I have plenty of hard drive space so I'm able to sync all my onedrive files. No issue.

There are times when you need a file and darn, no internet. But, its 2015 and those times are few and far between.
I agree. This is a major f'up. Is there a solution?
The only solution is to keep complaining to MS for a fix. Maybe an option. Use place holders or don't use place holders. IDK Currently, I'm still on the free OneDrive space for MS so I can't complain too much. But, if when it comes time to pay, I won't be buying OneDrive until there is some type of solution.
yea that's what I hate about them, they had to remove the damn thing instead of making it an option, why are they so ********? why we see people with differing views fighting about it instead of asking ms collectively to MAKE IT AN OPTION so we can all benefit? i see you guys defending ms are ok now since the current approach fits you, but believe me the time will come when ms makes another decision like this that AFFECTS YOU, start thinking like consumer vs ms not consumer vs consumer :)

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