Soooooo many problems since installing Windows 10
Computer constantly freezes up, fonts are always messed up..either too small or too big, won't give me the default fonts, play games on Facebook I can only play 2 games by going straight from Facebook, the other 2 games I play I have to go through Internet Explorer and then sign into FB from there. Speaking of playing games on FB, everytime I click to play the games it says I need flashplayer update but when I click the button to get flashplayer its says I don't need flashplayer with Windows 10 and says to make sure Shockplayer is enabled...which it is!!! So tired of all of these problems. Ready to go back to Window 7!!!!!
Computer constantly freezes up, fonts are always messed up..either too small or too big, won't give me the default fonts, play games on Facebook I can only play 2 games by going straight from Facebook, the other 2 games I play I have to go through Internet Explorer and then sign into FB from there. Speaking of playing games on FB, everytime I click to play the games it says I need flashplayer update but when I click the button to get flashplayer its says I don't need flashplayer with Windows 10 and says to make sure Shockplayer is enabled...which it is!!! So tired of all of these problems. Ready to go back to Window 7!!!!!