Live tiles, app list and Edge tabs greyed

Erik Ziegler

New member
Sep 22, 2015
Hi, since last week i'm noticing, that live tiles, app list and description of Edge tabs are getting grey or so dark that they are unreadable (only tabs).
All this is happening randomly and it is changing with every tab opened, changed or even with start menu showed up.
Here is picture of what i ment...only calendar tile stay in normal accent color, the rest is darker.


Btw all the apps are starting/working normally.

Anyone encountered the same problem, or even know whats wrong?
Hey man,
I had the same problem as you; and I'm guessing that you are painfully aware of how little info there is of this on the web.
Some things to try: updating your graphics card driver, undoing any recent setting changes, etc. However, the only thing I could find to fix it was to do a system restore to a few days ago. To do so, just type restore into your search box and hit search; then select "system restore" or whatever seems like that option, and select when you would like to restore to.
Now, a system restore is a bit drastic, and I totally believe a simpler solution is out there, but I don't know what it is.
Keep us updated on what helps for you.
This just happened to me with the 1.29.2016 update. I did a restore and it did not help. Don't know what to do. Plz help.

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