Windows pc and phone: Privacy and Security


New member
Sep 28, 2015
This is a simple question and I would be very happy to get clear and detailed explanations from experienced users, techy savy people or even IT Security specialists.

How to lock down, tighten and harden my Windows 8.1 and 10 pc and Windows Phone 8.1.-10?
I would like my pc and phone to be as private and secure as possible, as well as safe from viruses, rootkits and all other exploits that affect (other) pc and phone OS.

In today's world, I don't believe any pc or phone OS is 100% secure and virus free.
However there are steps that can be taken to minimize the damage, in case of an attack, or at least to try to prevent/stop it.

I might post this question on Android Central, Apple iPhone Central, Windows Phone Central as I believe answers could help educate users on better protecting and securing their personal information and their device.

Thanks for helping newbies learn the good habits.
The first step is to adapt your belief to the facts: Sand-boxing technology is implemented in Windows Phones, which prevents third-party apps or entities from messing around with other entities - hence, even if a virus gets saved into a Windows Phone, it's good as nothing since it won't even run without the permission of the user, and it can't do any damage to the phone nor to the files and information in the phone. Hence, in effect, Windows Phones (given the current state of affairs) is impermeable to viruses (unless, of course, the user hard-modifies the phone). There is a 20+ page documentation on this to support the security features... and the proof lies in the fact that no viruses have been reported in Windows Phones, not a single one.

Next is to realize the capabilities of the technology at hand, especially for communication. Data sent over through cellular data is encrypted by default - that makes the connection secure, automatically. WiFi connections, on the other hand, are not always secure. As a security precaution, when accessing sensitive information, make sure that the website your accessing is encrypted (at least look for "https") - this applies to both PCs and phones.

Furthermore, you may add another layer of encryption via VPN registration (both in your PC and in your phone).

Now for PCs (unlike Windows Phones), you may install an anti-virus software (the most common solution against, well, viruses).

Despite all of these, at the end of the day, the best practice would be to avoid questionable email, fraudulent and illegal activities, and unsafe websites (you know what they are).
There are more technically-definitive articles out there on this topic; with a little research, I'm sure other users will be able to find them.

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