Update a limited storage tablet to Windows 10?


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Jan 8, 2013
Hey. I'm having one of these 16gb tablets (Lamina T-801 running Windows 8.1 w/ Bing) and am eligible for an update to Windows 10 Home and have the "Get Windows 10" thing in the notification area with the Windows 10 update available in Windows update, but I'm unable to update due to low storage (about 2-3gb free after a restore).

The tablet is made by Microsoft and a Swedish manufacturer namned CapTech, and I was told by an MS employee at an event that this tablet would get Windows 10 through WU, but yeah, stuck without a possibility to do an inplace update.

I've previously managed to get the insider builds working on it through a clean install with USB, but there has been serious issues with the drivers so I thought I'd do an in-place update to keep drivers and all intact.

So now I'm wondering if anyone has managed to do an in-place update to Windows 10 on your 16gb tablets, and if so, how the h*ll did you do!?
If you have a SD card slot, or even a USB port, you can connect either device (at least 16 GB storage capacity), and use that as temporary extended storage to install Windows 10.

Upgrade to Windows 10: FAQ - Windows Help
Read: How do I upgrade on a low storage device?

I did it with my 32 GB 2-in-1 device (with less than 9 GB free space), and it upgraded to Windows 10 fine.

You can use the media creation tool to do the upgrade as well:
Installing Windows 10 using the media creation tool - Windows Help
Tried that. Not sufficient free storage on the internal drive. It still requires a few gb to be free.
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