Will Windows 10 mobile OS launch with some apps?


New member
Oct 14, 2015
I was wondering if Microsoft is planning to launch Windows 10 mobile with core universal apps from their partners like Facebook, etc. Or shall we just to wait for it to grow one by one? I really wish Facebook and Messenger was on par with the android and ios, don't care about a lot of apps, just need some fundamentals you know.
The latest Facebook beta is an universal app... I don't think rest of apps will get updated so soon.
hopefully it will launch with the promised universal face book apps That Microsoft announced. Facebook messenger, face book and instagram. These apps will be developed by Microsoft though not Facebook
The new Facebook Beta is already an universal app but now works only on mobile (yes, complicated :wink:). It says in the store that Microsoft is the publisher but there's some talk to it's actually Facebook itself with the new version. And the new Facebook beta is so much better!
I assume it will come out of the beta and will be a real UWP with the offical start of W10M

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