Photos App - why do processed RAW photos appear dull and gray?


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Nov 9, 2015
Photos App - processed RAW photos appear dull and gray

For years, I have been processing my RAW photos with Capture One Pro on my computer with Windows 7 and the old Windows Photo Viewer. The pictures always looked great when viewing them on the old Windows Photo Viewer.

I recently got a new computer with Windows 10 and the new Photos App. Now all of those same photos that I processed look terrible on the new Photos App - they look washed out, dull, and gray. The colors are completely wrong. And when I process new photos on Capture One, they also look terrible on the new Photos App - washed out, dull, and gray. (Photos that were taken in Jpeg, not RAW, look fine when viewed on the Photos App, with the correct colors.)

Other programs, such as Photoshop Elements and other internet-based programs, can view my processed RAW-to-Jpeg photos perfectly fine - they come out with the correct colors like they are supposed to have. It is just the new Photos App that can't produce those photos with the correct coloring.

Has anyone else had this problem with the new Photos App viewing processed RAW photos? Any suggestions for a resolution?

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