Surface Pro 3 - Microsoft Photos app - My Albums from OneDrive are not syncing under albums tab


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Nov 11, 2015
Hi, so I have my albums organised on OneDrive yet when I go into Microsoft Photos on my Surface Pro 3 (Windows 10) its showing none of my albums at all under the 'albums' tab. Tried signing out and back into app. Nothing working. Strange thing is on my Lumina 930 (Windows 10 Preview latest build) my albums are showing under albums in photo app. All my albums are in the cloud so baffled why it shows on phone but not on my surface. Is this a known issue? Anyone else experienced this and if so is there a fix?

Losing the will! :unhappy: Any help would be appreciated.

Note, I did do a search but couldn't find similar thread.
Hi thanks for reply. I don't have any sources mapped but I am not syncing any folders with one drive on my surface so my one drive folder in windows explorer is empty. Reason being I have about 70GB in photos but less than 40GB space on my surface so if I sync it physically downloads copies of those picture to my surface drive - it's the thing out hate about one drive, unless I've totally misunderstood how it works. New to Windows 10 so apologies in advance.

I assume mapping one drive as source via c drive means it is expecting copies of actual pictures to be one my actual PC hard drive when in fact my albums are in cloud only. I assume in case of above screen shot you have pictures on your c drive.

Again really appreciate the response. Hoping I can get fix to my issue.

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