Windows 10 Novembe Update Won't Proceed Past Upating Windows
I have a desktop machine running Windows 10 on a SSD. It was updated from a clean install of Windows 8.1 when Windows 10 launched. After downloading and attempting to install the November update I never can proceed past Updating Windows. The screen shows copying files that gets to around 80 percent or so, then a black screen that never ends. I let the machine run for over a couple hours and still nothing. I toggled from my dedicate graphics card to the integrated but the dedicated is where the signal is going. The fan CPU is running very hard as it is starting to make the CPU overheat. I downloaded the ISO and tried to clean install. After the language screen I am back to the same black screen and high fan usage. Rebooted and ran the update directly from Microsoft's windows 10 update page, got a little further on copying files, but the same issue repeats with the black screen and the CPU finally overheated and turned off the computer. I should mention the black screen has no cursor at any time. Anyone else having a similar issue with the November update?
I have a desktop machine running Windows 10 on a SSD. It was updated from a clean install of Windows 8.1 when Windows 10 launched. After downloading and attempting to install the November update I never can proceed past Updating Windows. The screen shows copying files that gets to around 80 percent or so, then a black screen that never ends. I let the machine run for over a couple hours and still nothing. I toggled from my dedicate graphics card to the integrated but the dedicated is where the signal is going. The fan CPU is running very hard as it is starting to make the CPU overheat. I downloaded the ISO and tried to clean install. After the language screen I am back to the same black screen and high fan usage. Rebooted and ran the update directly from Microsoft's windows 10 update page, got a little further on copying files, but the same issue repeats with the black screen and the CPU finally overheated and turned off the computer. I should mention the black screen has no cursor at any time. Anyone else having a similar issue with the November update?