Upgrade then downgrade?


New member
Aug 15, 2012
I am still running windows media center on my 8.1 desktop and am looking for an eventual replacement. Could I upgrade to Windows 10 now in order to secure the free update, then go ahead and downgrade back to 8.1 so I could continue with WMC until it officially dies?

Would this allow me to have an upgrade to 10 whenever i decide to finally drop Media Center?
In theory (and in practice in times when the downgrade worked flawlessly within the first 30 days of upgrade), yes... but why limit the potential of your PC just because of outdated Windows Media Center?
Cause nothing does TV better than WMC. I have built my entire home entertainment around it and really don't want to give it up until i absolutely have to.
really? Media Center is your reason not to use Windows 10 today?
You can downgrade and all that
but what WMC alternatives did you try? Kodi? it has great plugins and stuff, if what you care about WMC it's the DVR features there is Nextdvr that integrates with Kodi.
also Media Portal is an alternative and people seemed to like it too, I only hate they can't focus on one version but they have to keep developing 1 and 2 simultaneously.

You could also dual boot and use only WMC when you need to and Windows 10 for the rest.
The only program out there that works with encrypted cable is Tivo and WMC. Nothing else is certified. Nextdvr will not work for me.

Thanks for the info about the upgrade/downgrade i guess.
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