Emulator/Virtual client for android that can run windows 10 mobile on android?

Protocol Rahul

New member
Aug 17, 2013
Since Microsoft develops apps for android anyway, can't they develop some sort of virtualization so that we can run windows 10 mobile over android, this way even if other OEM's don't seem interested, least we can have variety of hardware to use. 950 doesn't cut for me, really like what other OEMs for android have and times have been compelled to just switch, but windows is holding me back.
There is a WM10 rom for the Xiaomi Mi4 and currently run with a select group of testers. I'm sure if you look hard enough you could find the rom, however I wouldn't recommend force flashing it onto other phones as you are more than likely going to brick the phone or cause irreversible damage (without messing around with the flash storage)
Running another OS over another is going to be performance and battery destroying.

As for a ROM for the Mi4, I'm not sure if any of that work would be useful to the XDA types.

Also, developing an app and making an OS fit on top of another are entirely differnet things.

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