Facebook app Not Working


New member
Jul 22, 2010
My Facebook app has quit working. It will open and then close. I've uninstalled/reinstalled but that didn't help. It just started doing this today. I'm using a Surface Pro 2 running Windows 10. Anyone else experiencing this?
I am having the same problem with the Facebook app. I am on an i5/8GB/256GB Surface Pro 4. I also noticed that it started yesterday.
Me too, Atom Leno mix 2 and it was after the fall update. Any ideas how to fix this anyone please?

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
same problem on my acer one 10. what about the recently released facebook beta? does it do the same thing?
I don't think they made a beta for anything other than mobile. At least I don't see it when I look in the Store.
Downloaded the Facebook Beta app but it won't let me sign in. Instead, I get a message informing me that it's a beta app and is not yet ready to use because it's being tested by a select group. So until MS fixes the regular Facebook app or launches the beta, I no longer have a Facebook app to use on my SP2. I am amazed that one of the most used apps out there won't work on Windows 10.
It topped working on both my Lenovo Mix 2 after the fall update and on my Teclast x98 pro without the fall update. Both started working again last night with no updates. Weird.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android on a Blackberry about Windows...Whilst eating an apple.

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