"Tablet Mode" still worse than 8.1 after 5 months W10 launched.

Paolo Cardelli

New member
Jan 22, 2014
Just tweeted this to Gabe Aul:


The link in the Tweet mirrors to the biggest thread ever made on official Microsft Community forums:

  • It was splitted by MS Mods because it was becoming too big to handle for their entire forum and for performance resons;
  • New thread is here (Post #3 is the one kept updated)
  • First part, original thread, is here;
  • 150+ pages / 1.500+ posts of Feedback, Over 300+ registered and valid Users/Insiders upvoted it, Over 30.000+ Votes combined on UserVoice official feedback channels (now discontinued).;
  • But only less than 50% of Windows 10 Tablet Mode problems got fixed after 5 months:


Tablet Mode is still a worse tablet/hybrid/touch experience than 8.1 Start Screen on same devices, as biggest limitations and drawbacks remains:

  • [*]No Back/Forward swipes gesture for Edge in Tablet Mode
    [*]No Full Screen "Immersive" Edge in Tablet Mode
    [*]No TPLs or AdBlock for Edge
    [*]Visual bugs/glitches in Tablet Mode (example: white flashes on Task Switching, and more)
    [*]Calendar Live tile stopping updating itself
    [*]Laggy animations even on high-end hardware in Tablet Mode
    [*]Bugged and Laggy Swipe-Down to close from Task Switcher
    [*]Bad Multi-Display support while in Tablet Mode (no way to split Tablet Mode on tablet, and Desktop mode on big screen)
    [*]And many more

If you think the same about Tablet Mode being far away comparable to the excellent 8.1 Tablet experience, please:

  1. Star, reply and share that Twitter post
  2. Upvote, Reply and Share the new official Microsoft Community thread
  3. Report and Share the Feedback points you agree with inside the "Feedback App" directly from your Windows 10;
  4. Let's Discuss about it here!

Thank you very much to everybody for supporting this cause!

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Come back Windows RT, all is forgiven....

But yes, this is a great post, Paulo, and does a good job of describing how to get things highlighted to Microsoft. Microsoft seems to prefer MS Answers/Community as it's community offering, so pressure there works as well as the feedback app.

A clear demonstration of need and business (and customer) use is what Microsoft needs as a prompt to prioritise these pieces of work - however, ranting isn't really all that constructive and just creates noise.

It would be really great if people put themselves in Microsoft's place when writing feedback/forum posts - would they prefer to hear reasoned feedback or just streams of censored **** ranting? If my manager or users yelled at me the way I've seen in forums, I sure wouldn't have a whole lot of motivation.
Thank you Pete, but this is the exact opposite of "ranting".
There are dozens of detailed feedback points to be listened, along with screenshots and YT videos to demonstrate those statements when needed, both on old and new MS Community threads.

What would be great to speed up MS listening, would be all of us partecipate to those discussions along to Feedback App reports, and Twitter Gabe Aul poking.

Meanwhile, we can still openly discuss about it here without pretending anyone to listen.
No, I wasn't accusing you of ranting at all, sorry if you took it that way, your post is awesome. I just know what people can be like on hot topics like this - If a thread on MS Community has had to be split twice, then it's a good chance there's lots of hate in there...
As much as people disliked the charm bars, I think they worked really well in Windows 8 tablets. Overall, the 8-experience just felt better. I'm still happy to have 10 on my desktop, though.
I do wish tablet mode had a full screen mode for Edge and a way to "collapse" tabs" in Edge. Every time I turn my Surface Pro 4 around to show some body something, I change tabs, as I'm typically holding it at the top & bottom.

As for back-forward swipe navigation, I would prefer the TouchMe Gesture Studio default approach. Two finger's required, and ditch the animation and simply trigger the "Back" or "Forward" buttons. The way it was designed in Windows 8 was horrible. Too many accidental page swipes & the animation was quick, but you'd have to actually wait seconds for the actual page to load.
I remember when I created alot of threads here about this stuff before launch people told me Win 10 wasn't final and to stop complaining. 5 months after launch and MS has barely addressed Tablet/Touch issues with Win 10.

The biggest issues are related to Edge and lack of full screen mode/swipe gestures to navigate.
They should bring back the charms bar to tablet mode it makes it easier to access the windows key, for tablets with out any hard windows key button
It's pretty clear that tablet mode is just not at all a priority for Microsoft.

I mean, yeah, there's that giant thread you linked that explains in very specific detail some of the problems with tablet mode, and then there were thousands and thousands of votes for feedback where nobody was at all happy with tablet mode. I mean, some of the most painstakingly detailed feedback posts I saw were about how badly Microsoft was mangling tablet mode. If this mattered to them at all, we'd have seen some improvement in the last five months.

Now, that's fine if it's not a priority for Microsoft, but it also means upgrading my Surface isn't a priority for me either.
Yep win 10 is not going anywhere near my smaller windows tablets until the Edge full screen touch issues is fixed at the very least. I sacrificed my gen one Surface Pro to Win 10 well over a year ago so I could be on the insider program and I personally submitted hours and hours of written and detailed feedback to them during the entire Win 10 preview program on the Tablet issues and barely anything has been corrected.

It makes no sense since Win 10 has TWO modes now. Tablet mode should have acted like Win 8.1 and then they should have used the dev time to improve on that. Having Tablet mode actually work well on tablets in no way would have effected Win 10 desktop mode.
This is my first experience with a Surface and I can't complain. Maybe I'm a light user are just not as picky. Your first three moans are Edge-based which isn't restricted to a tablet.
This is my first experience with a Surface and I can't complain. Maybe I'm a light user are just not as picky. Your first three moans are Edge-based which isn't restricted to a tablet.
If you had started with 8.1 on a Surface, you wouldn't call "moans" all those real downgrades to the tablet/hybrid/touch experience.

Trust me.
They should bring back the charms bar to tablet mode it makes it easier to access the windows key, for tablets with out any hard windows key button

The Windows button is on the taskbar at the bottom. If you hide the taskbar, just swipe up from the bottom to get it back temporarily. Same gesture, just different edge of the screen. :wink:
Tablet Mode is still a worse tablet/hybrid/touch experience than 8.1 Start Screen on same devices, as biggest limitations and drawbacks remains:

  • [*]No Back/Forward swipes gesture for Edge in Tablet Mode
    [*]No Full Screen "Immersive" Edge in Tablet Mode
    [*]No TPLs or AdBlock for Edge
    [*]Visual bugs/glitches in Tablet Mode (example: white flashes on Task Switching, and more)
    [*]Calendar Live tile stopping updating itself
    [*]Laggy animations even on high-end hardware in Tablet Mode
    [*]Bugged and Laggy Swipe-Down to close from Task Switcher
    [*]Bad Multi-Display support while in Tablet Mode (no way to split Tablet Mode on tablet, and Desktop mode on big screen)
  • And many more

I came back here after 5 months of Windows 10 being out to see if anything has changed. And looks like I got my answer: no!

I guess I'm going to have to turn off Automatic Updates on my SP3. I don't want Microsoft undoing all the settings I have to block Windows 10 from arriving.

Pretty impressive that the original thread caused backend DB issues! If you're Microsoft, then you purposely ignored all that great feedback.

I came back here after 5 months of Windows 10 being out to see if anything has changed. And looks like I got my answer: no!

I guess I'm going to have to turn off Automatic Updates on my SP3. I don't want Microsoft undoing all the settings I have to block Windows 10 from arriving.

Pretty impressive that the original thread caused backend DB issues! If you're Microsoft, then you purposely ignored all that great feedback.

I don't think it's even remotely possible ignoring all that.
Most probably they took note for Redstone release.
TH1 and TH2 were mostly a "Desktop-First" launch for reediming W8.1 global market share disaster...

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